Welcome to premier, competitive soccer. Welcome, to 2015 Team Manager Training
Introductions Alene Ipsaro Tom Tilmant Melissa Belur Jo Fregoso Marketing/Communications Director Tom Tilmant Referee Assignor, AVYSL Scheduler Melissa Belur Comp Training Director Jo Fregoso League Registrar, Recreational & CCSL Kelly Johnson Office Manager and NorCal Registrar
Tonight’s Agenda How youth soccer is organized AFC and the role of team manager What’s new in AFC for 2015 Included in core program Incremental fees Processes Uniforms Team Marketing Team registration Tournaments Pre-season and League games Available tools and information Next steps Q&A
How Youth Soccer is Organized USSF CA Youth Soccer (CYSA) District 2 - CCSL Copper / Bronze / Silver/Silver Elite Gold ODP NorCal Premier Region 2 Bronze / Silver Premier National Premier League (NPL) PDP
Competitive Committee Almaden FC Leadership Board of Directors Competitive Committee Director of Soccer Neil Diaz Directors of Coaching Adam Whaley, U8-U10 (8v8) Mark Landefeld, U11-U13 (11v11) Chris Behler, U14 + (High School)
Almaden FC Team Naming, Structure Mercury (Boys) Age Group (‘97 – ‘07) Playing Level NPL/Green/Black/White/Yellow Quicksilver (Girls) (‘97 – ‘06) NPL/Green/Black/White Example: Almaden FC Quicksilver 04 Black (QB04) ‘04 age group is a U10 team in spring, U11 team in fall U8-10 play 8v8 (CCSL), U11+ 11v11 (NorCal U10 plays 11v11)
The Role of Team Manager Team communications Coach to team Club to team Team manager to team Team schedules Practices, games and tournaments Coordinate with coach’s other AFC teams/team manager Uniform facilitation Set up roster in Eurosport Communicate process to parents Maintain team binder Maintain team roster/s GotSoccer, PlayKyck
The Role of Team Manager Home game coordination Game cards, score reporting Team tournaments Registration, check-in, team coordination “Culture Keeper” Team finances Photo Day (fall) Team social activity, connection Team marketing
Team “Set-up” Set-up Team Snap Playing Bracket determination account for team management Playing Bracket determination Work with Coach (who will approve with DoC) NorCal or CCSL Organize your Team Binder Set-up or update Team Roster GotSoccer and PlayKyck (if NorCal) Consider and anticipate “Guest” players Register your Team
Team “Set-up” Facilitate uniform orders Team supplies Getting new players their # Communicate open houses Team supplies Team bench Team EZ-up or shelter AFC “spirit” flag Team first aid, ice Determine and communicate spring/summer budget Collect incremental fees Consider team checking account Follow Step-by-Step Instructions to be provided
Team “Marketing” Team Web Page Team Successes Team Photos Team PR Home page Almaden FC on Facebook avysl_almadenfc on Instagram Team Photos Team PR Team FLAG If new TM, sign contract If returning, submit flag for inspection
Things to Know for 2015 Tournaments AFC “Element Programs” 3 tournaments, up to 4 games each $2,000 maximum registration reimbursement ‘00s 1 spring tournament (max. $850), up to 4 games AFC “Element Programs” Optional! Registration fees paid directly to club through Demosphere Incremental Fees Additional practices outside of program Scrimmages coaching, referee and field fees Additional tournaments Team “summer camps”
Things to Know for 2015 Incremental Fees Incremental Fee Rates Guest player passes $15-20 Practices $100 Scheduled through DoC Scrimmages/Home Games $130 Referees Center: $1 for every minute of first half of game AR’s: $5 less than Center, per AR e.g. 35 minute half = $35 Center, $30 per AR Field Fees Almaden FC Fees include 5 home game each season State Cup, Away Home Games Referee fees Scrimmage Fees Typically only book a Center Ref Pay cash after game Coaching & field fees, outlined above
Almaden FC Uniforms The Process TMs receive a roster with new player’s assigned jersey numbers New player adds? Contact avysl_office@almadensoccer.org TMs receive an email from Office Manager with instructions on how to update Eurosport system roster with any new players The Eurosport system will generate an email to the families takes about 12-48 hours Families order uniforms products are delivered to their homes One last note: We do not grant number requests numbers are assigned alphabetically by last name assigned across the entire age group starting with the lowest available # no 0, 00 and/or 1
Team Binder What to Include Team contact info. AVYSL contact info. Fields, referee assignor, print-out of game referee ph#’s Official spring or fall roster CCSL Goldenrod or US Club Original 1601s or US Club medical release in order players appear on roster Player passes – on ring No birth certificates Home field (AVYSL) permits Glue stick, pen, small scissors Other suggestions game schedule, team incremental fees budget/spreadsheet Team Binder
Things to Know for 2015 Player Passes ALL player passes Must be laminated Must be together on ring include team personnel (head coach, manager, asst. coach) Consider physical back-up set and/or digital back-up Use camera phone to store digital image of front & back of each Carry multiple sets (for guest play loan) If misplaced (with coach, left at tournament, etc) Always remember to pick-up from referee before game may sometimes need to be retrieved following game… don’t forget! CYSA player passes MUST be signed (back) and emerg. Info. completed by parent
Roster & Guest Rules CCSL Spring Roster Sizes Team Age Group Maximum Roster Match Day Roster For 8 v 8 Teams U8 – U10 18 Players 14 players For 11 v 11 Teams U11 – U13 18 Players 18 players U14 – U19 22 Players 18 Players Guest Players Max. # of guest players allowed is seven (7) per match for U11+ Max. # of guest players allowed is five (5) per match for U10 and younger A player may be on a Match Report (incl. guest play) for a max. of two matches per day Players may guest play on any team in any Division at their soccer age or older in spring only
Roster & Guest Rules NorCal Premier Roster Sizes Team Age Group Maximum Roster Match Day Roster For 8 v 8 Teams U8 – U11 26 Players 14 players For 11 v 11 Teams U11 – U19 26 Players 18 players Guest Players No guest players allowed in NorCal Premier League Must have valid US Club Soccer pass issued by club (AFC)
Tournaments Why do tournaments? Kinds of tournaments Local Travel CYSA District Fall/Spring Cup NorCal State Cup Make the most of the experience Team connection Set expectations participation, coach must be present
Tournaments Where to find them US Club Soccer sanctioned tournaments http://www.usclubsoccer.org/programs/cupstournaments/sanctioned-tournaments/list-of-sanctioned-tournaments/ GotSoccer Tournament Directory http://home.gotsoccer.com/events.aspx (note tournament sanctioning, passes permitted) CYSA sanctioned tournaments http://cysanorth.affinitysoccer.com/sanctionedtour/publiclist.aspx CYSA “Cups” http://www.calnorth.org/cups/ NorCal State Cup http://www.norcalpremier.com/scripts/runisa.dll?M2:gpx::73130+L2/+E+101
Tournaments Registration Process Got Soccer Payment made by team or personal credit card Brackets, schedule announced anywhere from 7-21 days before tournament What to expect Check-in (team? TM only? On field? At tournament HQ?) # of games Insurance Necessary if registered with CYSA but playing US Club sanctioned tournament The request process and forms can be found athttp://www.calnorth.org/tournaments/tournament_resources/ will need your official Goldenrod roster to complete enter your team name and team number, 12 digit number in the form 02-02-00-xxxxxx as it appears on Goldenrod League is Almaden Valley YSL (0202) to be chosen from a dropdown menu Affiliated League is AVYSL Enter player info for the first 2 players listed on the Goldenrod roster
Tournaments Registration Process Travel tournaments Booking hotels Managing expenses Policies AFC coach must be present Tournament expenses shared regardless of player attendance Guest players do not “chip in” for registration/coaching fees Responsible for any personal travel-related expenses Team pays for coaching accommodations (if desired) for travel tournaments 1.5+ hour travel from Almaden
Tournaments Reimbursement Process Register for desired tournament For those tournament/s for which you will request reimbursement: Mail copy of registration payment confirmation to: AVYSL - Attn: Office Manager / P.O. Box 20491 / SJ, CA 95120 Or email to avysl_office@almadensoccer.org Include: Name & address of who is to be reimbursed Team Name (e.g. Mercury ‘05 Green) Reimbursements will be made up to $2,000 for max. 3 tournaments $850 for ‘00 teams (in spring 2015) Partial payment may be made if maximum is reached
Pre-season, League Games and Available Tools Scrimmages, Home (League Games), State Cup Game Changes Cancels, Re-schedules Game Day Expectations Available Tools Arbiter Field Permits Fields Request Form
Games Events, Scrimmages, State Cup Games (Home) 5 games a season Referee/s are paid by the league’s Arbiter system Games are originally schedule around coaches with multiple teams Invoiced at end of season for extra games Games only can be changed under even guidance Scrimmages Responsibility is the teams to schedule Use Arbiter and Field Permits to determine available times Once confirmed with other team submit a field request form On Form, indicate the opponents name & if you need referee(s) Referee/s are paid cash by the team at the field State Cup Same process as a Scrimmage expect referee(s) are paid through Arbiter Invoiced at end of season for these games
Rescheduling Games Agreements & Policies Mutual agreement Done 7 days in advance (AFC prefers 14 days) Must verify field/time using Arbiter and Field permits before submitting field request form Non-Mutual agreement Valid reasons for a reschedule without mutual agreement Inclement weather Field unplayable, as determined by the club or league field scheduler Field unexpectedly unavailable, as determined by the club or league field scheduler After the "black-out" submission deadline, a team is accepted into a sanctioned USYS or US Club weekend tournament or CYSA ODP State tryouts Home team shall provide 3 dates and times and away team shall pick one Do NOT just change time Almaden FC Policy Cancelation of a game after Wednesday evening (week of the Match) requires the league to pay the referee(s) and counts towards one of your season games.
Rescheduling Games “Excuses” and Solutions We recommend the following solutions to frequently posed problems: Too many players missing (sick, testing, etc.) Remember that any player from your club is available to participate with your team as long as they are of correct age. In league matches please use 2nd team players or players from younger teams within your club to fill out your roster Missing Coach Any coach with a valid pass for your club is able to coach any team in that club. If your coach has several commitments then it is recommended that teams have an assistant coach or another coach from the club available to cover games No Fields Available It is expected that if your team is playing in NorCal that your team has a quality field and access to field’s. This excuse will not be acceptable for a cancellation of a match. Away Game Cancellation and Forfeit Policy Teams must give their opponent a 96-hour warning if forfeiting an away match or they will be required to pay field and referee costs. Please remember that this is a club competition and not an individual team competition!
Game Day Expectations Ensure that your players are entered into the event system Check website to ensure no field closures Print referee(s) contact information from Arbiter Print three (3) game cards First game of the day Pull out goals and secure them in place Put out corner flags (Stored in green storage container) Last game of the day: Put goals back and lock them Place rest of items (Corner flags) into green storage container and lock If you find yourself with less than three (3) referees 15 minutes before the game, speak with the other referee(s) regarding contacting the missing referee(s). Player passes should be returned to you after check in. If a scrimmage, pay referee(s) at the end of the game End of game, put the score in the event system
Almaden FC Online Tools Arbiter Access at: www.arbitersports.com Use to verify game schedule Determine official status Confirm game time, field location Find field availability For game changes, incremental practices, scrimmages
Almaden FC Online Tools Field Permits www.AlmadenSoccer.org/fields Use to verify permit status Print copies of frequently used fields for Team Binder
Almaden FC Online Tools Fields Request Form http://www.almadensoccer.org/CompSelect/TeamManager/index_E.html Used for schedule scrimmages or game changes
A final word… Rainouts Field closures are an art, not science It is a dynamically changing situation Shifts in weather often do not match forecasts Reasons for field closures Standing water due to persistent rain Sinking mud Deteriorating conditions due to # of games played Safety of players Goals Ensure a safe environment for our players Protect fields, permits for future Maintain good relationships with city Field Status is the WORD Always current Sign-up for TEXT Alerts for ALL fields used
Recap: Next Steps Meet with Coach Tournament, practice and scrimmage plans Set up Team “System” (e.g. Team Snap) Initially: Post all practices, team events, club events Set up Team Meeting Goals, plans, incremental fees Seek additional volunteer help Team photographer, social coordinator, finance team flag, team bench, team EZ-up Begin setting up Team Binder
Recap: Next Steps Follow Registrar instructions Register Team for League Play Additional paperwork may be needed from families birth certificate, “head shot” player photo Obtain league and bracket info from coach CYSA registration deadline Feb. 23 http://www.calnorth.org/ccsl/spring_season/ NorCal registration deadline Feb. 27 http://www.norcalpremier.com/leagues/index_E.html Follow Office Manager instructions Facilitate uniform orders Register/Apply for spring Tournaments
Appendix Spring League Information NorCal Premier http://www.norcalpremier.com/leagues/u11u13/index_E.html Handbook http://www.norcalpremier.com/docs/NorCal%20Handbook%20(9.24.14).pdf CalNorth http://www.calnorth.org/ccsl/rules/spring_league_playing_rules/ http://www.calnorth.org/ccsl/rules/playing_rules/
Appendix Websites to Bookmark Got Soccer Team (Manager) Login https://www.gotsport.com/asp/teams/login.asp? NorCal Roster Mgmt.: PlayKyck https://play.kyck.com Arbiter https://www.arbitersports.com/Shared/SignIn/Signin.aspx AVYSL Fields Field Permits http://www.almadensoccer.org/fields/823809.html Field Maps/Directions http://www.almadensoccer.org/fields/fieldmap/index_E.html Fields Request Form https://almadensoccer.wufoo.com/forms/almaden-fc-game-fields-request-form/
Appendix Key Contacts Director of Soccer Directors of Coaching Neil Diaz dos@almadensoccer.org Directors of Coaching U8-U10 Adam Whaley doc_whaley@almadensoccer.org U11-U13 Mark Landefeld doc_landefeld@almadensoccer.org U14+ Chris Behler doc_behler@almadensoccer.org AVYSL Registrar Jo Fregoso avysl_registrar@almadensoccer.org Recreational & Comp (CYSA) Office Manager Kelly Johnson avysl_office@almadensoccer.org Uniforms Reimbursements NorCal Registrar
Appendix Key Almaden FC Contacts AVYSL Assignor, Scheduler Tom Tilmant referee.avysl@gmail.com AVYSL Fields Team Permits Andrew Hogg fields_liaison@almadensoccer.org Site Director Peter Finney fields@almadensoccer.org Equipment Mikael Trollsas fields_equip@almadensoccer.org Marketing/Communications Alene Ipsaro marketing@almadensoccer.org Competitive (TM) Program Support Melissa Belur comp_training@almadensoccer.org