While you are waiting, please fill out the contact sheet at the front table. Look for the clipboard with the name of your child’s teacher.
Welcome! Kindergarten Orientation Cornwells Elementary
Teachers Mrs. Brandy Bocolo Mrs. Jennifer Clancy Mr. Scott Pratt Miss Jane Stallone Mrs. Amanda Fisher
Calendar The first day of school is Monday, August 25. School begins at 8:50 and dismissal is at 3:50 The first week of school is a 3 day week. Kindergarteners come to school Monday the 25 th, Wednesday the 27 th, and Thursday, the 28 th. (It is a staggered start, check the calendar for all other grades). No school Tuesday, August 26 th, Friday, August 29 and Monday, September 1. School will resume on Tuesday, September 2.
First Day Procedures Students meet in the gym; parents are welcome to accompany students to the gym Parents to HAND “First Day Transportation” tag to the teacher Students should be wearing the yellow bus tag around their neck from the first day through the end of September Pack lunch the first week (pins)
AM Drop-off and PM Pick- Up Procedures (This does not apply to early dismissals) When dropping off or picking up your child, you will go around the side of the building. Follow the teachers directing traffic. Staff will be there to assist your child getting in and out of the car. It is important that you DO NOT PARK and EXIT the vehicle. If you plan to come into school on the first day of kindergarten, please park in the main parking lot. You may walk in with your child thorough the side doors.
Supplies ** NOTE: All materials will be shared with all children with the exception of the binder and the binder folders All Students Will Need: Pair of blunt scissors 15 sharpened pencils (suggested type: Tri-write pencil) Small pack of fat erasers 10 glue sticks 2 boxes of 24 crayons 8 black expo dry erase markers (thin/fine tip) 2 Boxes of tissues 3 ring binder (1 inch) 3 folders with 3 holes for the binder (1 blue, 1 yellow and 1 red) Clorox wipes (1 container) 2 solid color folders (no print) 1 zipper pouch pencil pouch (with 3 holes for binder) Optional Supplies for Classroom: Large & Small Ziploc bags Extra Glue Hand Sanitizer Baby Wipes Extra Pencils Marble Notebook (wide ruled)
We are hoping to increase the technology in your child’s classroom. DonorsChoose.org helps us to do this with your help. Your child’s teacher will speak more about the specific details for your classroom when you get there.
Dear Parents, I am writing to ask you to become a partner with me in your child’s education. I will only have your child for a short time so I want to make a contribution that will last a lifetime. I know my teaching must begin with making children feel at home in the classroom and helping all the children come together into a learning community. This community is made up of unique individuals, each with his or her own learning style, interests, history, hopes, and dreams. Would you please help me by taking a moment to write about your child? What is your child like? What are his or her interests? What are things you know, as a parent, that would be important for me to know? I want to know how your child thinks and plays. How do you see your child as a learner and as a person? Please send in your response by Friday, August 29. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to a wonderful partnership in your child’s education. Thank you, The Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Bocolo, Mrs. Clancy, Miss Stallone
Parent Wishes Please think of a wish you have for your child this year and write it on the paper. Feel free to think it over and have your child put the wish in the jar for you in the upcoming week or so. It can be anonymous if you don’t wish to sign your name and put it in the jar. We will do our best to grant your wishes.
Lunch Time We ask that you pack a lunch for your student for the first week of school Each child will be assigned a pin (we do not get the pin until the first day of school) Please practice this pin with your child daily. They are expected to know their pin by the second week of school. Index cards with students names and pin numbers will be generated and students will take their pin with them to the cafeteria on the days they are buying lunch If you think you may be eligible for free or reduced lunch please request a form from your child’s teacher or the office
Daily Rotation We will be working on a 5 day rotation. Each day your child will spend 50 minutes in one of the following classes: Art (Mr. Mahoney), Gym (Ms. Shafer), Music (Ms. Juzwak), Computers(Mrs. Trailes), or Library (Mrs. Scott) The rotation will be sent home to you The specials will be listed in the weekly newsletter sent home Please send in your child in comfortable clothes and sneakers on their gym day
Academics/Homework Academic expectations and homework will be discussed at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 4. Daily schedule will also be reviewed at Back to School Night
School Attire All students are expected to wear school appropriate attire to ensure the health and safety of all children. It is possible you will receive a phone call if your child is not dressed appropriately. Please review the online student handbook. If you have any questions, please contact us.
All I really needed to know I learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum These are the things I learned: Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush...
Let’s Have a Great Year!