UAFT *Collective Bargaining Agreement – Article 5 UNAC * Collective Bargaining Agreement – Article 9 Can access through Faculty Services website at: index.cfm Each college has Evaluation Guidelines that are also accessible through Faculty Services webpage
Extended campus director (if there is one) Department chair/Director (if there is one) College peer-review committee Dean University-wide faculty Evaluation Committee Provost Chancellor
September 28 th to submit file October 7 th Extended Campus Director/President must provide written review to faculty member October 14 th Chair must provide written review to faculty member October 25 th Peer Review must provide written review to faculty member December 5 th Dean must provide written review to faculty member and files move to UFEC.
February 7 th UFEC must provide written review to faculty member March 30 th Provost must provide written review to faculty member May 1 st Chancellor must provide written review to faculty member
Program director (if one) Department chair (if tenured) College peer-review committee Dean University-wide Faculty Evaluation Committee Provost Chancellor
September 10th to submit file ( based on contract currently out for ratification) September 25 th Chair must provide written review to faculty member November 8 th Peer Review must provide written review to faculty member January 5 th Dean must provide written review to faculty member and files move to UFEC. March 1 st UFEC must provide written review to faculty member. March 30 th Provost must provide written review to faculty member. May 1 st Chancellor must provide written review to faculty member.
Vita Self-review Past reviews Workload for the review years Annual activity reports Student course evaluations (IDEA/SDIS) Course syllabi Verification of degree Further documentation of research/creative activity, teaching and service corresponding to workload Letters of recommendation if required Copies of past reviews Initial appointment letter
Table of Contents Tabs Binder that is adequate in size to hold everything. Additional pages will be added as review levels are completed. File should be a reflection of your work, make it look professional. Sample notebook and tabs on Faculty Services website.
UNAC must notify dean of intention to submit promotion and/or tenure file PRIOR to going off contract in May. UNAC file is due September 10 th in deans office UAFT file is due September 28 th in director/deans office
Refer to Article 5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement File submitted every 3 years Director (if one) Chair (if one) Peer-review committee Dean
Refer to Article 9 in the Collective Bargaining Agreement Submit file every 3 years Chair (if tenured) Dean 6 th year comprehensive Chair (if tenured) Peer-review committee Dean University-wide Faculty Evaluation Committee Provost
Meaningless documents that take up space PLASTIC PAGE PROTECTORS Binders that are too small Boxes instead of binders
Yes There are files in CAFÉ Your deans office can suggest a colleague who had a successful file, use other faculty Sample file found at dex.cfm Faculty Services website dex.cfm Ask questions Contact your union