2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Curtis Vincent, P.E. Construction Engineer Lyndi Davis Blackburn, P.E. Assistant Materials and Tests Engineer Specification Update
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 General Application Special Provision (3) – Section 106 – Section 410 – Section 420 – Section 423 – Section 424
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section 106 Item (c)6 Subarticle (a) – Pay Factors will not be applied to mixes where the roadway density requirement has been lowered below 94%. – Correction of AASHTO Standard Reference from TP 71 to T 344.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section 410 Article Item (e)2 Defined Surface Layers Changed Allowable RAP & RAS usage.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Allowable Use of RAP & RAS ALLOWABLE USE OF RAP AND RAS Maximum Allowable Percent of RAP and RAS by mass of Total Aggregate Content Type of MixMaximum RAP Content # Maximum RAP and RAS Content ** 327, Plant Mix Bituminous Base25 %RAS Not Allowed 327-E, Permeable Asphalt Treated Base10 %RAS Not Allowed 420, Open Graded Friction Course 10 % RAP shall not contain chert* RAS Not Allowed 423, Stone Matrix Asphalt 424, Superpave Surface Layers: 20 % with no more than 15 % containing chert *; All Other Layers: 35 % Surface Layers: 20 % *; All Other Layers: 35 % * This limitation applies even if the surface layer is to be covered by an Open Graded Friction Course (Section 420). If the aggregate is chert gravel with a bulk specific gravity that is less than 2.550, a maximum of 15 % of the RAP will be allowed. RAP containing chert gravel shall be crushed so that 100 % of the RAP passes the 1/2 inch {12.5 mm} sieve. Additional RAP that does not contain chert gravel may be added to the mixture through a separate feeder. ** RAS shall be limited to 5 % by mass of the total aggregate content.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section 410 Article Item (e)2 Item (e)4 Previously Item (e)5 – Defined Surface Layers – Changed Allowable RAP & RAS usage. – Added RAS stockpile requirements. – Deleted Additional Testing Requirements for Recycled/Reclaimed mixes over 25%
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section 410 (Continued) Subarticle (f) New Item (f)4 Added RAS as a fiber stabilizer Added Synthetic fibers
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Slide on RAS and Synthetic Fiber (f) LIQUID ASPHALT BINDER DRAINDOWN. 1. FIBER STABILIZER. A fiber stabilizer is required for some mix types (Section 420, 423, etc). A fiber stabilizer may be used on other mix types where asphalt binder cement draindown is a problem. Where RAS is included in the JMF, fiber stabilizer shall not be required provided the draindown requirements of 0.30% or less are met when tested in accordance with AASHTO T305 at 325°F {163°C} and 350°F {176°C}.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Slide on RAS and Synthetic Fiber 4. SYNTHETIC FIBERS. Synthetic fibers shall include but are not limited to one or a combination of the following: polyolefins (such as polyethylene and polypropylene) and aramids (such as Kevlar, Twaron and Nomex). Fibers shall be twisted fibrillated, flat fibrillated or monofilament with a maximum fiber length of 0.75 inches {19 mm}
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section 410 (Continued) Subarticle (f) New Item (f)4 Item (c)3 Added RAS as a fiber stabilizer Added Synthetic fibers Added in Density Requirement when the leveling layer meets minimum rate requirements.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Item (c)3. Leveling Leveling shall be compacted to meet the density requirements given in Article if the minimum required placement rate shown on the plans is equal to or greater than the placement rate given in the following table for the maximum size aggregate in the mix. Compaction shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer if the placement rate shown on the plans is less than the placement rate shown in the following table.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Item (c)3. Leveling DENSITY REQUIREMENTS FOR LEVELING BASED ON AGGREGATE SIZE AND PLACEMENT RATE* Maximum Size Aggregate in the Leveling Mix Specified density is required if the minimum required placement rate shown on the plans is equal to or greater than: 3/8 inch80 lb/yd 2 1/2 inch135 lb/yd 2 3/4 inch165 lb/yd 2 1 inch250 lb/yd 2 1 1/2 inch330 lb/yd 2 *In-place density pay factors will be applied.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section OGFC Subarticle (e) Allows CQS-1hp Asphalt Emulsion with the Spray Paver equipment or “PG Asphalt for Trackless Tack with Conventional Paver equipment.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Section 423 & Section 424 For Any Mixes Containing RAS Minimum Liquid Asphalt Binder is increased by 0.2 Air Voids will be designed on 3.5%.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Other Stuff Every Day Counts Intelligent Compaction – at least two pilot projects. Inertial Profiler – Smoothness Testing Have 3 pilot projects underway.
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Questions? Lyndi Blackburn
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Asphalt Pavement Specifications Detailed Technical Lengthy Complicated
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Asphalt Pavement Common Sense Right vs. Wrong Workmanship Pleasing to the eye Looks bad Is Bad
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Process Inspection Workers Equipment
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Industry Impacts ATRIP = $1,000,000,000 Program Approximately 1100 projects received some amount of funding Approximately 750 of those are system preservation/ roadway improvements Annual resurfacing program = $250,000,000 Large portion of remaining budget is roadway related
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality The Obvious
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Construction Quality?
2014 AAPA Conference March 11-12, 2014 Questions?