Types of Personalities What is personality? Types of Personalities 1. 2. 3. ____external environment ____temperament ____interpretation of experience ____conscious awareness ____childhood experiences ____rewards and punishments ____abilities ____organizations of reality ____ the self ____ unconscious motives ____ observable behavior ____ enduring characteristics ____ expectations ____ subjective feelings ____ sexual instincts Psychoanalytical Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic Neurobiological Sociocultural
Why test personality? TYPES OF TESTS: General Assessments:
Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development Psychoanalytic Perspective Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital fixations
Defense Mechanisms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Neo-Freudians
IDENTIFYING DEFENSE MECHANISMS Label each statement with the correct defense mechanism from the list: A. Repression E. Displacement B. Denial F. Sublimation C. Reaction Formation G. Projection D. Rationalization ____1. Sarah is heavily involved with an anti-pornography campaign & fights her own erotic interest in it. She hopes her campaign will convince others of her purity. ____2. A young woman who was assaulted & raped a number of years ago in a terrifying attack has forgotten the incident. ____3. Your boss yelled at you, you yelled at your co-worker, your co-worker yelled at his wife , his wife spanked the kid & the kid kicked the dog. ____4.”Stop asking me ! I don’t want any ice cream. I think YOU want more ice cream!” ____5. Eduardo reads an article about skin cancer. He goes home & examines the marks on his leg. He then comments to his friend on the tendency for his family to have very dark moles with irregular borders. ___6. Joshua had a bad semester & was put on academic probation. Instead of returning to college, he quite to “pursue something worthwhile.” ___7. Mia is usually an angry, hostile person. But since she’s been playing on the volleyball team her mood has improved. ___8. You got fired & couldn’t make your car insurance payments, so you’re riding your bike. You tell friends, “I really prefer to ride my bike. I need the exercise.” ___9. A young woman who finds herself attracted to other women proclaims that she hates lesbians & joins a vicious anti-gay group. ___10. The parents of Jim say that “everyone goes through a drinking stage; it’s not a problem” even though Jim just received his third DUI. ___11. Soldiers exposed to traumatic experiences in concentration camps sometimes had amnesia & were unable to recall any of their ordeal. ___12. A priest converts his sexual energy into running a busy soup kitchen to feed the poor. ___13. A woman with a strong sexual drive constantly criticizes her female co-workers for dressing seductively & flirting.
HUMANISTIC Perspective Individualism vs. Collectivism
Social-Cognitive Theories on Personality EXTERNAL VS INTERNAL
HILTON HEAD HIGH SCHOOL Social Psychology HILTON HEAD HIGH SCHOOL ATTRIBUTIONS Cognitive Dissonance Theory 1. 2. 3.
Social Relations DESCRIMINATION PREJUDICE vs. Aggression
Attraction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LOVE... Altruism
Social Influences OBEDIENCE REASONS for CONFORMITY 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.