O CTOBER 22, 2014 Homework: D.L.C #2 due on Monday 10/27 On pg. 26 of your binder-Answer questions 2,3,4 -from pg. 57 of textbook. Do Now: Agenda- Write homework Update T.O.C- pg. 26- Section 2 review H.W Begin Element of the day warm-up Day 2 When finished get lab journal from class bin. Review Physical properties list from pg. 25
H OMEWORK - S HARPEN S KILLS A CTIVITY : Remember…. the chemical properties of elements are related to…. the number of valence electrons. 1) Krypton—neon 2) Phosphorous—nitrogen 3) Potassium---sodium 4) Magnesium—calcium 5) Silicon—carbon Oxygen-- sulfer
O PEN B INDER TO PG. 25 : What properties did you hear mentioned in the video about certain elements? What about Malleable and Ductile?
Malleable: (A metal or other material) able to be hammered, pressed, or rolled permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking. Ductile: Material that can be pulled out or drawn into long wire.
I N YOUR LAB NOTEBOOK … The first page is your T.O.C- Make it look similar to the one in your binder. Update: Pg. 1- Lab. #1- Physical Properties of Elements Then turn to page 1 and draw the data table that is on the board Pssst…Look over there !
L AB. O BSERVING P HYSICAL P ROPERTIES OF E LEMENTS Each element is labeled with its name Write the station number and element name on your data table Observe each element and record the PHYSICAL properties you observed on your data table– You may lift up the containers, lightly shake the containers, but DO NOT OPEN THE CONTAINERS!
O CTOBER 23, 2014 Homework : Work on DLC # 2- due Monday 10/27 Read and highlight terms on Metals and Nonmetals notes sheet. Do Now : Agenda- Write Homework Update T.O.C- Metals & Nonmetals Notes pg. 27 Open binder to pg. 26- Section 2 H.W- Discuss answers with a partner- next to or behind you.
H.W. A NSWERS - BINDER PG. 26 2) Similar properties, chemical properties and the same number of valence electrons 3) Have max. amount of valence electrons, have a full outer shell and are unreactive. 4) Elements in the same group will react similarly- Elements that can lose electrons will react with elements that can gain electrons
Compound - A substance that forms when two elements chemically combine- New substance looks different than the two original elements Examples: Sodium Chloride- NaCl Copper Sulfate-
L AB. O BSERVING P HYSICAL P ROPERTIES OF E LEMENTS - M ETALS AND NONMETALS Each element is labeled with its name Write the station number and element name on your data table Observe each element and record the PHYSICAL properties you observed on your data table– You may lift up the containers, lightly shake the containers, but DO NOT OPEN THE CONTAINERS!
Q UESTIONS TO A NSWER … Compare the physical properties of Metals verses the Nonmetals. What are the similarities and differences in their physical properties?