Welcome to Third Grade
What Third Grade Means… It means… Your child will have greater personal responsibility. Your child moves from learning to read to reading to learn. Your child works independently on homework with you checking to see if it is done.
Daily Schedule 7:50Opening 8:15-9:35Math 9:40-9:55Recess 10:00-10:40Special 10:40-11:10Content 11:15-11:45 or Lunch (Myers) 11:20-11:50Lunch (Evans/Gruett) 12:00-2:20Reading Language Arts 2:30Dismissal
Math New Math Curriculum this year The Math Connects website ( is a great resource to use at home. There are tutorials, games and the online student edition. The access code is B824256BE8.
Math Math Fluency-Please continue to practice facts at home. New Mountain Math-Students will be able to complete all of these types of problems by the end of third grade.
Language Arts Reading Units include : Friendship, Music, Families, Money- Themed, Famous People, Sports- Themed, This Really Happened and Reading in the Real World
Language Arts Sources include: Anthology books, Poems, Chapter books, Time For Kids magazine Other Areas: Guided reading, Vocabulary, and Fluency
Language Arts Word Study/Spelling Language Skills/Grammar Writing-Informational, Opinion, and Narrative
Content (Social Studies/Science) These subjects are not tested or graded. There will be one subject per marking period to allow for in depth study. Writing is embedded in content. Occasionally there will be projects to be completed at home.
Social Studies and Science Topics Social StudiesScience *Communities*Life *Pennsylvania*Earth *Human Body *Physical
Flexible Groupings Groups are based on current achievement/performance data. In 3 rd grade, this data includes: CDTs, GRADE assessment, DIBELS data, writing samples, spelling inventories, and DDS data.
Flexible Groupings We continually monitor students' performance and progress to ensure we are meeting their instructional needs. Groups are flexible, fluid, and change throughout the year. Teachers will notify parents of any changes in their child’s groups.
Third Grade Rules and Expectations We use a behavior plan called “Be a Hero.” BE RESPONSIBLE: Be prepared for class. Work to the best of your ability.
Third Grade Rules and Expectations BE RESPECTFUL: One person speaks at a time. Respect and be considerate of others in the classroom. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Third Grade Rules and Expectations BE READY: Follow directions the first time they are given. Be cooperative and on task. Warning System Loss of Recess—parent notification
Forms You Might See Homework Alert Classwork Alert While You Were Gone Poor Grade Alert Time Out Note Cafeteria Slip
Your Child’s Binder Your child’s binder needs to come back and forth to school each day. A “Homework Sheet” is kept in the front of the binder to show daily assignments. Dividers keep papers organized-please leave them in there. “Homework Folder”-Please check and empty this folder on a daily basis.
Weekly Homework Sheet
Homework Guidelines The homework policy allows for 20 minutes of homework with an additional 15 minutes for reading each night. If your child has worked and not completed the assignment within the 20 minutes, please note it on the paper and we will address it in class.
Recess We will go outside for recess every day, so please have your child dress appropriately. Just note…the wind whips across the fields, so many times it is colder here than at home.
Field Trips We will be going on TWO field trips this year. Landis Valley Museum Harrisburg-State Capitol/State Museum Volunteer opportunities will be available, so be sure that you have completed any necessary background checks to be an independent volunteer.
How To Reach Us To get in touch with us, please call the school at or us. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. We also look forward to taking with you during Parent/Teacher Conferences in November.
Thank You! We would like to thank you for coming to this Open House this evening. Working together as a “TEAM” we can make your child’s learning experience in 3 rd grade a happy and successful one.