Mr. Alberto J. Heras
-Kinloch Park Middle School Social Studies –World History – 6 th Grade - Teacher-Parent-Student Contract/Syllabus Mr. Heras Room 206 M School phone: Address: A Message to Students and Parents Welcome to the school year! I am extremely enthusiastic about working together with you and your children, to achieve the common goal of having a successful year. In our class, I will be helping you expand your knowledge, thoughts and ideas in World History. In order to ensure academic learning and growth among our students, it is essential that we maintain a positive classroom atmosphere that is free from disrespect, disruptions or distractions of any kind. Not only do I encourage all students to thrive in my class but I truly believe that all students are capable of being successful. **IMPORTANT**PARENTS AND GUARDIANS**Please read and review the following contract with your child and make sure it is signed and dated at the end. Only one parent or guardian name and signature is required as well as your child’s name and signature. Please give students back the contract as it will count toward their first homework grade. Students are to turn in the last page of the contract/syllabus to the teacher on the following school day and keep the remaining parts of the contract/syllabus in their folder or binder. Materials for Class: Class Notebook (with pockets and 3 middle prongs) or 1” binder for class (any color) Ink pens (blue or black only) Pencils (no. 2) Loose leaf note book paper Color pencils or crayons -ALL MATERIALS FOR CLASS MUST BE IN BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, Please label your class notebook and binder/folder with your name, subject and teacher’s name on front cover. The utilization of media devices such as motion pictures, internet research, books, documentaries, newspapers, web- pages, and various other media will be used and displayed throughout the year. No inappropriate or R rated materials will be used.
Class Rules and Consequences – Rules for a productive and positive learning environment. Students will be on time to class and will follow directions. Students will bring all necessary materials. Students will stay in their seats and not disrupt the learning environment with excessive talking, horseplay, and/or any other misbehavior. Students will be courteous and respectful to others, keeping their hands, feet, and other objects to themselves. Students will respect all authority figures. Students will be in uniform at all times. Students will not use profanity. Students will use honesty in completing given assignments. Students will not use cell phones or any other electronic devices. (They will be confiscated and a PARENT will have to pick them up.) Students will refrain from chewing gum. The breaking of rules will result in the following consequences. 1 st Infraction – Warning Conduct Grade=A 2 nd Infraction – Detention Conduct Grade=B 3 rd Infraction – Parent Phone Call Conduct Grade=C 4 th Infraction – Referral to Counselor Conduct Grade=D 5 th Infraction – Referral to Administration Conduct Grade=F Severe Infraction – Determined by Teacher/Administration will receive an immediate referral to the administration (fighting, stealing, etc.). Conduct grade will be at the discretion of the teacher. General Class Information: I will be available after class and after school with any help or questions you may have. The home learning will always be written on the board. It is the student’s responsibility to write down the homework before class ends. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed homework, other assignments, quizzes and tests. Failure to do so will result in an Zero grade. Home learning will be assigned each day, checked and collected and graded at times. Students with excused absences or tardiness or with note from parent/guardian will be given allowed time to make up any missed work. Your grade will consist of classwork, homework, projects, quizzes, tests and Binder and Notebook checks. GRADING SCALE: = A = B = C = D 59-0 = F Please me if you have any concerns or if I can help you in any way or contact the school for any questions you may have. Parents and Students, Together with the cooperation of all, Let’s make it a great School year!!!
Mr. Alberto J. Heras
Geography World History Ancient History Cultures Nature Science
Discovering Our Past A History of the World By: McGraw Hill ( Class Set Only ) Also Online via portal
Notes-Notebook Checks Essays Quizes & Tests Projects Classwork Homework-almost every day
-Kinloch Park Middle School – Social Studies –World History – 6 th Grade - Mr. A. Heras Room 206 M School phone: Address: