Mr. Teske’s Class You mean summer is over! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! You mean summer is over! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
8:30-9:05 Morning work/Morning meeting 9:05-9:50 Writing Block 9:50-11:20 Literacy Block 11:20-11:40 Recess 11:45-12:15 Lunch 12:20-1:35 Math 1:35-2:05 RTI 2:05-2:35 FLEX TIME 2:35-3:20 Specials 3:20-3:25 Dismissal
Mondays – Technology Tuesdays – Gym Wednesdays – Music Thursdays – Art Friday – Day 5 Specials will always remain on the same days this year. Technology will ALWAYS be on Monday, etc.
I will be posting updates on the Teacher’s Desk Section of my school website. You can find the website by going to the teacher’s page on the Promise Road website or by going to I will update this page frequently. Please feel free to contact me at anytime. I encourage communication and would be happy to meet with you at anytime.
A homework packet will be sent home every Monday and it will be due back on Friday. This will be in the homework binder under the homework tab. Please help your child learn responsibility by having them give you their binder to check daily and return it to their backpack. Please make sure to return notes, papers, and lunch money in the binder. I will check these binders daily
Optimal learning is reached when all children are on task and few disruptions are being made. We will have freedom levels in our classroom this year. I have attached a rubric of what those levels look like. Your child will be completing a behavior log everyday with their level of the day. This will be sent home in the homework binder under the behavior tab. Please, sign or initial this every night.
We will have a 90 minute reading block. This time will consist of Daily 5 choices, Guided Reading Groups, and Whole Group Reading. You can help your child further their reading by reading with them every single day.
Our math program is Everyday Math. Your child will learn many things in math this year. We will be working on mastering addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. We will cover many important topics in math this year. It is very important that your child completes their math home work every evening. You can help your child in math this year by helping them with their homework and practicing their math facts.
We will have a Writer’s Workshop everyday. This workshop will begin with a mini- lesson. We will then move into independent writing for approximately minutes. During this time I will be conferencing with students.