to 8B’s English Class Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. Mrs. Bembry’s Contact Information: Phone: Ext Please sign your name on the attendance sheet in your group so that your child can receive his/her Bembry Bonus slip tomorrow.
What is My Child Doing in Class? Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. LITERATUREWRITING VOCABULARYGRAMMAR
What Textbooks Should I See at Home? The Giver (novel) Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. LOL (anthology)
POWER SCHOOL All assignments get graded. Things to out look for: Assignment Weight (in points) ---/__ Comments Missing Work ? Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. C M How much is the assignment worth?
#1 TIP TO SUCCESS Keep a neat and organized binder. Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. See samples on the table. Note: If your child’s binder is there, remember to take it home with you! #2 TIP TO SUCCESS USE the contents of your neat and organized binder.
CBK HOMEWORK POLICY NO LATE WORK Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. MY CURRENT HOMEWORK POLICY 1.Do it WELL! 2.If you miss it, MAKE IT UP! Don’t be too late, or you may lose up to 30% of the grade…
EXTENSION & CHALLENGE ACTIVITIES 1.Challenge/ Enrichment Options (Extension Activity) 2.Challenge options on daily class activities (for extra points) 3.25 Book Challenge (Bembry Bonus) Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove.
WHAT MRS. BEMBRY LOVES: Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. her husband and children teaching and learning – LOVE the classroom! the excitement middle school kids bring to school life Energizers!!!
for visiting 8B’s English Class Remember to sign up for conferences in the 2 nd floor alcove. Mrs. Bembry’s Contact Information: Phone: Ext Please sign your name on the attendance sheet in your group so that your child can receive his/her Bembry Bonus slip tomorrow.