Access to the H-SS Curriculum for English Learners: It’s Not Really That Complicated! Angela Dorough History-Social Science Coordinator San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
Outcomes: Engage in key strategies designed to help English Learners succeed. Learn to engage English Learners in rigorous academic tasks.
What is happening at your site/district in terms of providing English Learners the opportunity to develop their skills in the four language domains? If you are a teacher, think about something you have taught recently and record the opportunities students had to develop skills in the four language domains. If you are an administrator think about something you observed in a classroom to record on your page.
Share what you have recorded and consider the following: How was background knowledge built? Did students have a lot of opportunities to practice listening and speaking? What kind of support did they receive to do so? Are students being encouraged to read and write with grade level content material using a scaffolded approach?
Let’s talk about the basics... Low-affective filter –I call this making students feel comfortable, supported, and expected to achieve great things in life! Checking for understanding –What implications does this have for our standards-based instructional environment? Opportunities to develop skills in the four language domains –Is this really happening enough? What is it going to take to get there?
What is at the heart of the four language domains? LISTENINGSPEAKING READINGWRITING VOCABULARY
So what do we need to do for English Learners concerning vocabulary development? Vocabulary instruction research from Kinsella, Marzano, and Scarcella has lead me to the following synthesis: Vocabulary should be taught using the language family structure. Students should match visuals with words. Non-linguistic representations are important. Students need to arrive at a personal understanding of vocabulary. Students need to practice using vocabulary in a variety of ways. They need multiple opportunities to practice the use of new vocabulary.
Is this enough? I say it isn’t! We need to be strategic about vocabulary instruction for our English Learners. What do I mean by this? Which words are you teaching? How often are students practicing the words that are selected? In what ways are they practicing? What kind of feedback are they getting about the correct usage of those words? Is there an expected outcome for using the selected words? This is not about dictionary skills at all!
Strategic Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners Be selective in the words that are the focus of your instruction. Go back to the standard to “test” your selections. Introduce the words to the students in small increments and provide auditory, visual, and written support. Check for understanding often and in a variety of ways. Incorporate the words in the classroom environment. Provide multiple practice opportunities with support. Build the words into written and oral assessments.
What kind of support do students need? Teachers to model correct use of new vocabulary. Point out textbook sentences, primary source document phrases and sentences, compose sentences yourself. Recite academic language that involves the selected words. Provide sentence stems to use in speaking and writing. Allow students to process new knowledge in their primary language and in English.
How to make Content Comprehensible Based on the book: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners by Echevarria, Vogt, and Short What is SIOP? Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
Components of Comprehensible Lessons The 8 Components: 1-Preparation 2-Building Background 3-Comprehensible Input 4-Strategies 5-Interaction 6-Practice/Application 7-Lesson Delivery 8-Review/Assessment
Preparation for Instruction How accessible is the text/content I am using? How can I increase accessibility? Comprehensibility? How will I design opportunities to build skills in the four language domains?
An Example FDR’s Four Freedom’s Speech Analyze Roosevelt’s foreign policy during World War II (e.g., Four Freedoms speech). Locate packet behind third tab in binder: “Freedom by the Fireside”
Adaptation Building comprehensiblity for students Scaffolded handout What do you notice? Other ways to provide supports?
Building Background Knowledge Date: January 6, months before Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. WWII had begun in The radio was a main source of news, entertainment, and other communication at this time
1943 Norman Rockwell Paintings Freedom of Speech
Freedom from Want
Freedom to Worship
Freedom from Fear
The Orator: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
What did I do? Reduce linguistic demands –“Give” the students language with which to work –Provide strategic vocabulary support –Provide highly structured modeling and practice opportunities Conduct a task-analysis –Troubleshoot potential misunderstandings students may experience Connect to students experiences by building background knowledge
How will I assess whether or not students can analyze the document? What are my options?
Using Writing to Demonstrate Thinking Should students discuss thoughts prior to writing?
Writing Task Why did Roosevelt pick the specific freedoms to speak about in his speech based on your knowledge of what was happening during WWII at this time?
Paragraph Structure
Writing Supports Sentence stems: Roosevelt was addressing human rights all over the world because... His four freedoms relate to human needs because...
An opportunity to practice What would you do if you had to teach the following to EL students? Discuss Abraham Lincoln's presidency and his significant writings and speeches and their relationship to the Declaration of Independence, such as his "House Divided" speech (1858), Gettysburg Address (1863, Emancipation Proclamation (1863), and inaugural addresses (1861 and 1865). How would you develop vocabulary, build background knowledge, give opportunities in the four language domains and provide support?
Think it through... Find ways to provide access Be sure to provide lots of opportunity to speak and listen Model reading skills Build academic study skills Structure writing assignments