Technical Explanation Alumina Substrate Heater Resistor on Back Side Two Isolated Conductors Covered with Indium Tin Oxide Thin Film on Front Side Resistor Burns Off Oxidation Buildup Resistance of Indium Tin Oxide Is Proportional to Ozone Concentration
New Product Microcontroller monitors sensor health Board implements a “ cleaning cycle ” to keep head healthy Adjustable alarm level Connects to ECO with CAT5 Cable ECO ozone is shut down if there is elevated ozone levels, or a failed head -Fails safe Can run this monitor off a DC wall adaptor Has a heavy duty relay to control lights or buzzers for alarm state alert
Field Use JLA has been using this sensor board in hundreds of installations – 0 failures We have 10 in the field, including two in Turkey. Currently we are gathering data to fine tune our control board.
Why Design Our Own Faster response to customers needs Design specifically for the laundry industry Robust Fail safe Accuracies exceeding the needs of our customers
-Chemical delivery equipment does not monitor the destination for the presence of chemical being delivered - This would be expensive and impractical -Instead chemical delivery equipment offers proof that the chemical left the device to be delivered - They offer Proof of Delivery™
We are providing a chemical (Ozone) to a washer. It is not necessary for us to measure levels of ozone in the washer to prove that ozone was delivered Air Flow + Back Pressure + High Voltage = Ozone in the laundry drum
Air Flow – The air preparation system is working and providing oxygen and there are no leaks in between it and the reaction chamber, there are no pinched lines or blocks in the delivery line. Back Pressure – There is not a leak between the reaction chamber and the washer drum. There is water in the washer drum. High Voltage – The drive system is working correctly sending high voltage to the reaction chamber. The reaction chamber is functioning normally.
Status Conceptual design complete Discussing system requirements with our partners Open Questions Will the end user accept this concept for proof of bug kill? What price point will be acceptable? Other features?