Apostolic Doctrine and Our Customs 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Doctrine and Customs Hold fast apostolic tradition, Acts 2:42; 2 Ths 2:15; 3:4; 2 Tim 1:13 Ability to distinguish apostolic teaching from customs is the difference between being an iconoclast and a binder, Phil 1:9-10; Matt 16:19; Rom 14:1 Inspect our worship assemblies to know the difference between allowable customs and divine truth, Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 14:26, 40 2
Eph 5:19 Col 3:16 Worship in song –Not entertainment, Heb 2:12; Eph 5:19 Congregational singing –Not solos, quartets and choirs, Eph 5:19; Col 3:16 Singing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs 3
Use aids to help us follow the apostolic tradition (1 Cor 14:40) –Not mandated –Song leader, song books, pitch pipe –Using an aid does not change the force or effect of what we do: SING Singing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs 4 Eph 5:19 Col 3:16
Matt 26: Cor 11: Cor 10:16 Memorial –Communion –Proclamation –Unl. bread; Fruit of vine Use aids to help us eat the supper –Not mandated –“A song to prepare our minds…” –Comments before we eat Eating the Lord’s Supper 5
Use aids to help us eat the supper –Comments we make: Read a Scripture Exhortation – Be accurate “Broken body” of Jesus -- –Figuratively of death –Not actually, Jno 19:33-36 Eating the Lord’s Supper 6 Matt 26: Cor 11: Cor 10:16
Use aids to help us eat the supper –Do not turn the LS into a ritual or ceremony Sing while the church eats? Matt 26:30 Could one speak while the church eats? (Catholic Mass; Protestant liturgy) Using an aid does not change the force/effect – EAT THE SUPPER Eating the Lord’s Supper 7
Matt 11:28-30 Preaching the gospel demands calling sinners to obey to be saved, Acts 2:21-22, 36-41; 16:30-32 –Cannot know what to do unless told, Rom 10:13-14 –Bible pattern of preaching includes invitation to obey, Acts 2:40 –“If you have a need…” is not enough if you haven’t told what the need is! The Gospel Invitation 8
Preaching the gospel demands calling sinners to obey to be saved, Acts 2:21-22, 36-41; 16:30-32 –Gospel invitation is not “church of Christ” custom! –It is apostolic doctrine! –Without gospel persuasion, the lost will not know their sin or what to do to be saved! Acts 18:4, 8; 24:24- 25; 28:23-24 The Gospel Invitation 9 Matt 11:28-30
We use aids to help us invite (urge) sinners to salvation –Invitation song Singing is certainly right Could a sinner respond to the gospel without a song being sung? Yes – It is the gospel call that is necessary (India) –Using an aid does not change the force/effect of what we do: EXHORT SINNERS TO BE SAVED The Gospel Invitation 10