What to Expect Lesson 1 Page 9
Lesson 1: What To Expect
This symbol means complete on the LEFT SIDE of your notebook. What are these cartoons telling us about expectations? P LEASE D O N OW Write a MINIMUM of three (3) lines. Lesson 1: What To Expect Do NOT copy the question BUT ALWAYS RESTATE the question as part of your answer. The First Cartoon The Peanuts Cartoon The boy thought (expected) school to be... Peppermint Patti thought (expected) BUT... L8L8
O BJECTIVES: I can explain how my expectations influence me. I can explain the class expectations for social studies this year. This symbol means complete on the RIGHT SIDE of your notebook. Lesson 1: What To Expect R 9
L8L8 Soooo, what are some of your “expectations” about this class? about me? Another side of “expectations” is what you WANT from a situation or others. Your view of what is going to happen. On your birthday, you expect … presents people to treat you special Lesson 1: What To Expect Hmmm, expectations??? W ARM U P
A third side of “expectations” is what others WANT from you. As a coach, what do I expect from my players? Do they expect anything from me? Lesson 1: What To Expect Hmmm, expectations??? Have you ever had to complete a job for your parents? Did they have a certain way it was to be done? Did you meet their “expectation”? What happened? L8L8
R 9 The Influence of Expectations Our expectations affect ________________ when approaching a situation, a person, an item, Lesson 1: What To Expect OUR ATTITUDE So, the Glass is... which than influences the __________ we make. CHOICES C LASS N OTES
Attach the sheet on Classroom Expectations and Policies. Lesson 1: What To Expect R 9 AMERICAN HISTORY Mr. Simons & Mrs. Michaud CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be Prepared! Bring all necessary materials to class daily. This includes: agenda book pens and pencils Your Interactive Notebook (spiral or binder) colored pencils glue stick and/or clear tape any practice/assignments Be On Time! Be in your seat and prepared to work each day. Be Courteous! I expect you to treat one another and me with respect. Put downs will not be allowed. One person speaks at a time. STANDARDS-BASED GRADING SYSTEM See the special pamphlet on Standards-Based Grading. STAY INFORMED Check my Web Site: OR select Simons under Staff on the Sandburg website. Use Edmodo ( our class social learning network. You can me. My school address is: Check with me for information about what happened in class during your absence. I strongly recommend picking a friend to be your “study buddy” who you can call if you are absent from class. You and your parents have the option to receive daily reminders about practice, assignments, and upcoming events.
Bring all necessary materials to class daily Your Interactive Student Notebook pens and pencils glue stick index cards (flashcards) colored pencils agenda book any assignments/practice Be Prepared! Class Rules Lesson 1: What To Expect Be On Time! Be Courteous! Treat one another and me with respect Put downs will not be allowed One person speaks at a time Treat others how you want to be treated. or Do NOT treat others how you DO NOT want to be treated. The Golden Rule Confucius
Grading System Lesson 1: What To Expect Take the pamphlet and parent handout home for your parents to review. Standards-Based Grading The purpose of Standards-Based Grading is to raise student achievement and rigor by clearly communicating students’ progress toward learning targets. Mr. Steve Simons 8 th Grade U.S. History Carl Sandburg Middle School
So, since we are talking about grades… Why have grades? What do grades (A, B, C, D, and F) mean? Lesson 1: What To Expect Grading System A tangled mess!
– exceeds the standard – meets the standard – approaching the standard – does not meet the standard Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic You can recall and apply the information accurately but also transfer their knowledge to new situations, think critically, and problem solve You can accurately restate (recall) and make sense of (apply) the information presented in class Difficulty accurately restating and/or using the information presented in class Students provide evidence of specific levels of achievement and understanding on identified Learning Targets. Lesson 1: What To Expect Grading System
Students provide evidence of specific levels of achievement and understanding on identified Learning Targets. Lesson 1: What To Expect Academic progress represents individual student achievement of the course Learning Targets ONLY. Grading System Students have opportunities for “Second Chance Learning” to gain understanding and skills and to demonstrate that understanding/skill.
Lesson 1: What To Expect Grading System A student’s growth in the Characteristics of a Successful Learner and Worker is evaluated separately.
Lesson 1: What To Expect A If 50% of the Learning Targets are scored at least at the “proficient” level and if 50% have a score of “advanced” (or the equivalent) B If 80% of the Learning Targets are scored at least at the “proficient” level and if 20% have a score of “advanced” (or the equivalent) C If 100% of the Learning Targets are scored at least at the “proficient” level (or the equivalent) D If 70% of the Learning Targets are scored at least at the “proficient” level (or the equivalent) Applying the “levels of understanding” to the current traditional grade scale. Grading System
Lesson 1: What To Expect
Grading System Keep track of your learning. You may provide additional evidence of your level of understanding.
Lesson 1: What To Expect school blues Stay Informed Don’t let yourself get OVERWHELMED!!
Stay Informed Sign up for the daily reminders Form due by Wednesday You can me neshaminy.k12.pa.us Use Edmodo – our social learning communityEdmodo Have a “Homework Buddy” Check with me upon your return Check my web site Mr. Simons's Web Site Lesson 1: What To Expect
Soooo, why is discussing expectations important? Draw a picture that illustrates the main idea of this lesson. W RAP U P Include: at least three COLORS a caption be neat Lesson 1: What To Expect On a separate sheet of paper Expectations are like a compass... they help guide us on our journey.
Lesson 1: What To Expect If you don’t clearly tell people what you want, mistakes happen!