Classroom 2.0 Teresa Toliver State Technology Chair Kappa
Please Load the following on phone or iPad Aurasma Anatomy 4D Spacecraft 3D
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Ways to use Collaborative Lesson Plans Take Notes to share Improve writing process Gmail: – Contact parents – Students Calendar: – Pacing Calendar: – Class Calendar
Forms Create quizzes: Exit Tickets Student Interest Forms– Beginning of year Reading records Track Discipline Membership profile:
QR codes Add to quiz or work for students to check work Use as link to classroom webpage or blog Gallery walk Timelines Bulletin boards Add to your newsletter Pinterest Board
Augmented Reality Campaigns: to see examples Anatomy 4D Spacecraft 3D Other AR apps: The layering of digital information on top of the physical world. Aurasma AR allows users to unlock digital content from the world around them through the use of a phone or tablet Pinterest Board
Livebinder Teacher – Professional portfolio – Collaborate with other teachers to create common resources – Social bookmarking tools Student – Collaborate with other students on project – Submit complete project (notes, rough draft, work cited) – Portfolio
Livebinder Create a binder: Livebinder Apps: Career Clusters:
Management Tools Class Dojo: – Random – Behavior – Group work Edmodo (Learning Management System) Remind 101
Class Dojo
Presentations Tools Animoto: Prezi SlideShare: Picsviewer: (for flickr photos) Haiku Deck: – A Teacher’s Eyes
Book marking