University of Houston Awareness Survey Results Presented to University of Houston February 5, 2002 Presented by Customer Value Systems, Inc. Brant Wilson, President
UH Awareness Survey Agenda Background and Objectives Methodology Executive Summary Key Findings Recommendations Q & A/Discussion
UH Awareness Survey Background and Objectives UH running ad campaign since early 2000 Measured awareness levels in late 2000 Updated measurement was needed Track progress in key measures Assess differences within target segments Evaluate progress compared to other Texas Universities Review image vs. campaign impact, key points
UH Awareness Survey Methodology Phone survey among key audiences – same questions: brand awareness (aided), advertising awareness (unaided and aided), advertising recall, image ratings for major universities Completed 800 interviews by phone: –Key Executives 80 –Community Leaders 70 –HR Managers150 –Faculty/staff100 –Students200 –Alumni200 Interviews took approximately 10 minutes each Surveys conducted Dec 3 through Dec 17
UH Awareness Survey Executive Summary Both brand and advertising awareness of UH have noticeably improved among the Key Executives and Human Resource managers – especially in Top of Mind awareness. UH awareness now trails only UT and Texas A&M among Key Executives, trails only UT among Community Leaders, and has moved ahead of all other Universities among Human Resource Managers.
UH Awareness Survey Executive Summary UH ad awareness increased only for Human Resource managers and Key Executives. Direct message recall for UH ads increased significantly in the past year across most stakeholder groups, except faculty/staff. Both top-of-mind brand awareness and direct message recall decreased sharply for faculty/staff.
UH Awareness Survey Executive Summary Unaided advertising awareness for UH remains higher than for the key competitive universities Rice, A & M, and UT. Ad awareness among Human Resource managers decreased for both A & M and UT. Ad awareness among Key Executives increased sharply for both A & M and Rice. This is probably not driven by advertising, but by PR and activities covered in the news (A & M game and the Vladimir Putin Symposium at Rice).
UH Awareness Survey Executive Summary (Cont’d) TV, newspapers, and billboards were mentioned most often as the source of advertising for UH. Sharp increases in those noting TV as the source of ads. Percentage of those citing newspapers dropped sharply across all targets. Alumni was the only segment with significant mentions of magazine advertising.
UH Awareness Survey Executive Summary (Cont’d) UH Main Campus image is now comparable or superior to other Texas Universities in the areas of: 1) Providing quality employees to the Houston Business Community 2) Contributions to the Houston Community 3) Importance to the Houston Economy.
UH Awareness Survey Executive Summary (Cont’d) UH image has gained ground on Rice, UT and Texas A&M in the areas of: 1)Quality of Education 2)Quality of Faculty 3)Quality of Academic Programs
11 UH - Top of Mind Brand Awareness 2001 vs. 2000
12 UH - Total Unaided Brand Awareness 2001 vs. 2000
13 Detailed Findings 2001 UH Awareness Survey Unaided Advertising Awareness
UH Awareness Survey Total Advertising Awareness
UH Awareness Survey Total Unaided Awareness Texas Universities
16 Image Ratings – UH vs. A&M Among Business Leaders Top 3 box Ratings*
17 Image Ratings – UH vs. UT Among Business Leaders Top 3 box Ratings*
18 Image Ratings – UH vs. Rice Among Business Leaders Top 3 box Ratings*
19 Image Gaps: UH vs. UT Among HR Managers
UH Awareness Survey Source of advertising recall
UH Awareness Survey Valid Recall of advertising points Base consists only of the respondents aware of UH advertising
UH Awareness Survey Other advertising issues recalled Recall of “Learning and Leading” key points was: 13% across all audiences that recalled a UH ad. Other messages most recalled were: 1) Quality of Education 13% 2) Academics 9% 3) The Cougar 8% 4) Courses being offered 6% 5) Excellent professors 5% 6) Recruitment 5%
UH Awareness Survey Recommendations Overall, continue to run the campaign with the core message of “Learning and Leading” and track progress on key measures in 4Q2002 –Message is memorable –Seems to resonate with business audiences Consider leveraging UH image ratings in ad copy where appropriate (Direct Mail & Online) to illustrate the stature UH now has in the Houston business community (eg. “one of the leading Texas Universities among…..when it comes to….”) –Importance to Houston economy –Contribution to Houston community –Source of quality employees
UH Awareness Survey Recommendations Build on the gains among key segments in the past year (Executives, HR Managers, Community Leaders with an additional brochure targeted to hiring/recruiting venues –Entry level job hunting for grads will be more competitive than ever in current economic environment Continue to use TV as high impact medium to deliver UH message to key audiences –Reinforce with billboard, radio and print Consider using the web or university network to expand frequency with student, alumni and faculty groups (only 1% have heard messages that way)
UH Awareness Survey Recommendations Consider tighter integration in all communication efforts (Business School, Athletic Department, etc..) with the umbrella UH image campaign to avoid confusion among all target groups, particularly faculty and students. To capitalize on and leverage the gains in UH image ratings, consider tweaking the 2002 media plan to increase insertions in the more prestigious MNI and WSJ publications and reduce insertions in the Houston Chronicle.