MAHOA Pre-Season Training WELCOME September 16, 2007
MAHOA Pre-Season Training POINTS OF EMPHASIS –Rules Enforcement Standard The Beat Goes On… New USA Hockey Enforcement Standard Video –Hitting From Behind Penalize Every Time More Common with New Enforcement Standard. ACHA Options: Open Ice: Minor or Major penalty Into boards or goal cage: Major + GM, or DQ -- No Minor + Misconduct Option --
MAHOA Pre-Season Training POINTS OF EMPHASIS (cont.) –Goalkeeper Interference from Opposing Player Interference From NCAA Rule Book: ”attacking players are not allowed to enter the goal crease and disrupt the goalkeeper from playing the position” –Freezing the Puck - - Goalkeeper Keep the Puck Moving – within reason. Let Goaltenders Know What To Expect
MAHOA Pre-Season Training OFFICIATING SYSTEM –3 Man System: 1 Referee & 2 Assistant Referees –Referee’s Duties Same as 1 Ref & 2 Linesman System –Assistant Referee’s Duties Linesman + Situational Penalty Calls.
MAHOA Pre-Season Training POSITIONING –Referee & Assistant Referees Traditional Positioning for 1 Ref, 2 Linesman System
MAHOA Pre-Season Training From NCAA Rule Book
MAHOA Pre-Season Training PENALTY CALLING –Referee Calls majority of the penalties –Assistant Referee (from NCAA Rule Book) major penalties, minor penalties behind the play, and flagrant minor penalties (not observed by the referee), particularly those that deny a scoring opportunity or could lead to injury or an altercation, The prime responsibility to call penalties resides with the referee. It is expected that assistant referees will call major penalties, minor penalties behind the play, and flagrant minor penalties (not observed by the referee), particularly those that deny a scoring opportunity or could lead to injury or an altercation, regardless of where they occur on the ice surface.
MAHOA Pre-Season Training PENALTY CALLING –AR Penalty Call Guidelines: Things away from the view of the referee – obvious. Treat scrambles in front of the net the like 2-man system. Referee watches play near the puck, near AR watches for altercations in front of the net. Know where referee is and what their angle is. Make the ‘have-to-be-made’ calls.
MAHOA Pre-Season Training PENALTY CALLING –Assistant Referee Penalty Calling Procedure: Arm straight up – same Referee (or 2-man). After whistle, keep arm straight up until everyone knows you made the call. Skate to the Referee and report and the penalty - with signal. Be Assertive
MAHOA Pre-Season Training LINE CHANGE PROCEDURE –Referee NCAA sequence During first ‘5’ – get visible Control Every Change, Start-to-Finish. –Assistant Referees Front AR retrieves the puck and goes to faceoff spot. Back AR goes “with the change” as far as near bench. Referee’s Arm Down -- Blow Whistle Sharply Follow face-off Procedures
MAHOA Pre-Season Training FACE-OFF PROCEDURE –Assistant Referees Develop a Consistent Rapport with the Centers Be Firm & Fair Don’t Order the Players – Talk to them If Players Delay the Face-off, Eject the Center. Examples –Late change attempt not permitted by referee. –Players not moving entirely out of circle when instructed
MAHOA Pre-Season Training FACE-OFF PROCEDURE (cont.) –Assistant Referees Procedure for ejecting centers: Stand up, extend arm toward center being removed, request new center. Once old center moves away, blow whistle sharply to indicate you’re ready. Be consistent throughout game.
MAHOA Pre-Season Training GAME MANAGEMENT –Key Elements for All Game Officials Communication Positioning / Hustle Judgement –Mental Preparation Key Focus for 2-3 hours Know the Rules Know On-ice Procedures –Consistency All Calls Positioning Personality
MAHOA Pre-Season Training GAME MANAGEMENT cont…1 –Set the Standard at the Beginning of the Game Deliver on Pre-Game Expectations –“BE THERE” to Make All Calls New Enforcement Standard Requires Proper Sightlines Verbalize – be concise Less Signals are Better –Call Timing See the Play Digest the Play Call the Play
MAHOA Pre-Season Training GAME MANAGEMENT cont…2 –Penalty Calling Patience is Key Penalties will come to you at this level You don’t need “to look for penalties” Make certain your calls meet the penalty time delivered
MAHOA Pre-Season Training COMMUNICATION –Separates Top Officials From the Rest. Calm Professionalism –Pre-Game Coach Introductions All Referee’s on the ice for warm-ups Captains Meeting (1 minute before warm-up ends) –Captains Meeting Establish Expectations Business Professional Conduct Keep the Communication Lines Open
MAHOA Pre-Season Training COMMUNICATION –Coach / Player Interaction Bring the Participant’s Emotional Level Down Limit Aggressive Vocal Behavior and Body Language Conversational, Not Confrontational Maintain an Even Keel with Emotions Eliminate Foul Language Let People Vent. Take Action when Venting Becomes Abuse.
MAHOA Pre-Season Training SITUATIONAL STUFF –Loose Pucks: Along Boards: Vocal Near Net: Silent –Avoid Confusion Over Play Stoppages NEVER let some players think play is stopped & some not. Ex 1: Goals – point and blow whistle. No goal judges in ACHA hockey. Ex 2: Delayed penalty call touch-ups. Ex 3: Hand Passes & High Stick violations – be vocal if washout
MAHOA Pre-Season Training SITUATIONAL STUFF (cont.) –Admit mistakes, Apologize and move on. Humanizes officials Builds rapport & fosters communication Don’t get your back up when you know you’re wrong. –If you start a conversation with a coach or player, you can not penalize them (especially GM or DQ) for what they say to you. –Protect Goaltenders D2 teams may have only 1 good goaltender D3 teams may have only 1 goaltender...period.
MAHOA Pre-Season Training USA HOCKEY vs. ACHA SOME COMMON DIFFERENCES –18 Players / 3 Goalkeepers –Minor Expiration after Goal: Player caused short-handed –Coincident Minors: 4-on-4 on ice –DQ: Remember 5:00 time penalty –Medical Personnel Penalty: Supplemental Discipline –Excessive Roughness: DQ –Instigation: Minor –Tag-Up Off-sides: Like USA Hockey Men’s
MAHOA Pre-Season Training NEW IN ACHA FOR –OVERTIME 4-ON-4 in All Divisions –SHOOTOUT: Mandatory at D1 only D2 & D3 at Local League Discretion –SPITTING: Automatic DQ in All Divisions
MAHOA Pre-Season Training OFFICIALS EXPECTATIONS –Accept a Game - - Keep it –Continuous Rule Knowledge Growth / Interpretations –Business Casual Dress –Professional Courteous Interactions with all Participants –Follow Game Protocols / Procedures –Check Scoresheet for Accuracy –Send in Concise Game Reports when Necessary
MAHOA Pre-Season Training HAVE A GREAT SEASON!!!