The Expenditure Report Executive Summary of adspend survey data for Q and forecasts to Q3 2011
Summary – Overall UK picture Total UK adspend fell sharply again in Q – but at a lower rate than Q2. Total UK adspend for full year 2009 is now expected to be 12.7% down year on year at current prices, or 14.6% at constant prices. This represents the worst recession since the AA/Warc quarterly survey began in UK advertising is projected to enter recovery in Q3 2010, with its first increase in adspend since the first quarter of Recession has created winners and losers among UK media. Internet is the only medium to increase ad revenues in all three quarters of Cinema revenues grew in Q (+10.2%) Cinema and internet have gained share of ad budgets during the slump. Press has been the biggest loser of share. TV and direct mail have maintained their share. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
Summary – The UK Media Mix TV, newspapers, internet, radio and cinema all saw their shares of display advertising spend grow year on year in Q Internet classifieds (including search) account for almost two thirds of total classified advertising in the UK. The internet’s share of total advertising grew by just over 4 percentage points between the year to September 2008 and the year to September The share of total advertising accounted for by press fell by the same amount. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
Summary – The UK Advertising Mix Most UK display media sectors saw year-on-year declines of between 10% and 20% in Q Display spend is expected to be flat in 2010 as consumer spending levels remain weak. With unemployment rising, recruitment adspend fell by 40% in 2009; even spend on online recruitment fell substantially. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
Recent year-on-year declines have been greater than those experienced in the early 1990s % Total UK adspend annual % change (at constant prices) Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report,
UK adspend recovery will arrive in late 2010: we anticipate Q will show a rise of +2.8% (the first since early 2008) % Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Total UK adspend annual % change (at current prices)
Only two media sectors recorded a spend increase in Q % Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual % change UK adspend, Q Note: Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
Press adspend, particularly classified, has fallen sharply in the year to date % Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual % change in UK adspend, year to September 2009 Note: Press total combines all newspaper and magazine categories. Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
The internet’s gain in share comes mainly at the expense of press Percentage points difference Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual percentage points change in share of UK adspend, Q Note: Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
Internet’s gain in share is further evident when looking at year to date Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Annual percentage points change in share of UK adspend, year to Sept 2009 Percentage points difference Note: Internet data for Q is a Warc estimate.
The topline data included in this presentation is drawn from the Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report. The Expenditure Report provides detailed and authoritative advertising expenditure data for all major media. For more information and to subscribe please visit