GALATIANS. Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New.


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Presentation transcript:


Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit

Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit A. 5:1-6:10Call to Christian Living 1. 5:1-5:15Call to Christian Liberty 2. 5:16-5:26Call to True Spirituality 3. 6:1-6:10Call to Christian Service B. 6:11-18Conclusion 1. 6:11-16Final Challenge 2. 6:17-18Benediction

Galatians 5:2-4 Consequences of Legalism 1. Deprived of the power of Christ 2. Bound to all terms of the law 3. Cut off from fellowship with Christ 4. Divorced from the realm of grace

Galatians 5:5 Donald Campbell “In contrast with legalists, true believers by faith (not works) eagerly await…the consummation of their salvation (cf. Rom 8:18-25). Then the righteousness for which we hope will be fully realized (cf. 1 Peter 1:3-4, 13). At the coming of Christ believers will be completely conformed to all the requirements of God’s will. The inward and forensic righteousness which began at justification will be transformed into an outward righteousness at glorification. God will then publicly acknowledge all believers’ full acceptability to Him.”

Galatians 5:7a VEtre,cete kalw/j VEtre,cete kalw/j You were running well

Galatians 5:7b “to hinder” avnako,ptw ANAKOPTŌ avnako,ptw ANAKOPTŌ evnko,ptw EN/KOPTŌ “into”/”cut”=to cut into

Galatians 5:7b “to hinder” avnako,ptw ANAKOPTŌ avnako,ptw ANAKOPTŌ evnko,ptw EN/KOPTŌ “into”/”cut”=to cut into W. E. Vine “used of impeding persons by breaking up the road, or by placing an obstacle sharply in the path”

Galatians 5:7b “to hinder” avnako,ptw ANAKOPTŌ avnako,ptw ANAKOPTŌ evnko,ptw EN/KOPTŌ “into”/”cut”=to cut into W. E. Vine “used of impeding persons by breaking up the road, or by placing an obstacle sharply in the path” Thus in Gal 5:7: “Who broke up the road along which you were travelling so well?”