University of Maryland Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 DC Advancing Achievement in Technology and Science (DC ACTS) Fellows Summer Leadership Institute Developing Strategic Plans and Strategies to Increase Student Achievement in Science University of Maryland Educational Technology Policy, Research and Outreach Director: Davina Pruitt-Mentle Hello and introduction (myself)
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 General Comments Due to content to be covered and the time frame given: we will start sharply at 9:00 AM each day breaks will be “on own” time must be utilized efficiently “HW” will be assigned and brought back each following session to share 9-9:15 Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Introductions 9:15-9:45 collect 9:45-10:00 first interview 10-10:15 seconf interview Use the card/sheet provided—find a buddy (pair up) –interview-and be able to record back by 10:15:
See Handout: Read Agenda Outline-what does this mean to you? Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Overview Objectives, Goals, and Outcomes See Handout: Read Agenda Outline-what does this mean to you? Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Goals …To define strategic issues, to chart their direction by developing strategic vision and plans, to define how they will implement these plans and to specify how they will evaluate how well they are implementing these plans. Participants will also explore systemic improvement strategies to curriculum planning, assessment, and instruction through utilizing data and data analysis via technology tools. DC ACTS Fellows will identify and use data that are most effective in assisting improvement of student achievement and system efficacy in science. Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Objectives Understand strategic plan building blocks to develop a comprehensive strategic management model for a science department/unit external analysis, internal assessment, strategic direction, strategic plans, implementation, and performance evaluation. Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Objectives Locate, explore and analyze school (organizational/unit/ DCPS) and other available data (i.e., standardized test scores, parent satisfaction inventories and surveys, staff PD needs, supply inventories and expirations dates etc…) Utilize "state" (DCPS /charter/private) and national content standards and benchmarks Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Objectives Investigate and apply specific technology tools (e.g., Excel) for organizing the data available on a district, school, department/content area and classroom level Explore processes that facilitate the use of data in guiding instruction Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Objectives Explore common curriculum, assessment, and instruction practices that (a) promote and (b) may interfere with the cultivation of student understanding Examine a continuum of methods for appropriately assessing the degree of student understanding Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Objectives Investigate approaches to curriculum and instruction designed to engage student's in inquiry and promote student learning in science. Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Develop a Comprehensive Strategic Management Plan Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Develop a Comprehensive Strategic Management Plan Applicable to Department and/or Classroom Level
Connections Overview What is the difference between: Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Connections Overview What is the difference between: Strategic Planning Strategic Management Model Long Range Planning The Strategic Management Response in Education –parts in red The Strategic Planning Process read stategic planning section See Handouts: The Strategic Management Response in Education The Strategic Planning Process Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Overview and Excel How Do Schools Improve Student Performance? Data: how to analyze/interpret system-wide down to classroom data Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Overview Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
What is a Strategic Management/Plan Model? Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 What is a Strategic Management/Plan Model? James Morrison and Ian Wilson’s Strategic Management Model (2004) Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Ready?
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Group Activity I In pairs, look at the three teachers’ final grade and be ready to share your findings See Handouts and electronic version of grades: 3_teachers_chem_graphing.xls So What? Difference between STDev and Variance /Average Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Group Activity II In pairs, look at the class grades and be ready to share your findings. This is a Science Course at XYZ Junior High U.S.A. As a teacher looking over these grades what would be your interpretation of the results? What areas would you look at closer in future classes? The next time you teach this course what might you change? Any other trends you can find? See Handout & electronic files: science_grades_raw_data.xls PPT slide Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Group Activity II: Feedback Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Group Activity II: Feedback Analysis: 1) Race Largest category is Asians - might not have enough in the other categories for true statistical significnace. Hispanics did significantly worse than others Large falloff in HW (although only 10% of final). Do they have other commitments? Better in Labs, but can still do better (about same as Asians in Labs) Test and Finals are low - are there translation issues? 2) Gender Females out performed males in all categories except Labs. Are males better at hands-on? Is my course giving too high a percentage to Quizzes, Tests, and Finals to the males disadvantage? (65% of the grade) How else can I measure knowledge - could I do a practical in the lab. Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
What Does All This Mean? What Should I Do? And How Do I Do It? Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 What Does All This Mean? What Should I Do? And How Do I Do It? What should we do with this teacher? What do we know? How many years teaching? What did they teach? Do they know the standards? Do they connect with standards and curriculum? How to they measure student work if they have covered? What PD is needed? SD and Mean Teaching or Students? Teaching or Assessments? How do these same students perform on the “high stakes” tests If you were asked to mentor this teacher/teachers…what would be your next steps Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Lesson Plan Analysis You ask to see an example of lesson plan or unit to learn more See Handout: Typical Science Lesson Plan with Standards See: for a variety of tools to help design lesson plans etc… Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Standards-Based Lesson Plan Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Standards-Based Lesson Plan See Handouts: Typical Science Lesson Plan with Standards Feedback Standards-Based Lesson Plan Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Better Standards-Based Lesson Plan Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Better Standards-Based Lesson Plan See Handouts: Better Science Lesson Plan with Standards Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Process Overview Through this institute we will be addressing all of these in a systematic fashion to prepare you to walk away with: A Comprehensive Strategic Management Plan and Walk away with hands on experience with activities that you can later repeat in your own school Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
To Do This We Will Utilize Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 To Do This We Will Utilize The Comprehensive Strategic Management Model External Analysis Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Utilizing: Backward Design Understanding by Design and the Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Utilizing: Backward Design Understanding by Design and the Standards Achievement Planning Cycle (SAPC) Here n Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Standards Achievement Planning Cycle (SAPC) Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Standards Achievement Planning Cycle (SAPC) 5 Step Process Identifying Standards Analyzing Standards Describing Student Performance Selecting learning Activities Evaluating Students’ Work Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Combining: 5 Step Process Identifying Standards Analyzing Standards Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Combining: 5 Step Process Identifying Standards Analyzing Standards Describing Student Performance Selecting learning Activities Evaluating Students’ Work External Analysis Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
External Analysis What type of data should you collect and why? Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 External Analysis What type of data should you collect and why? Where should you go to get it? Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Homework Complete the External Analysis worksheet related to your school For tomorrow’s activities: Internal Analysis-Find a resource or resource location (i.e., ) that indicates student data Reading: Skim worksheets/notes given in class Read for detail excerpts from From Standards to Success A System of Solution: Every School, Every Student Assessment and Design Strategies/Excel - 2005 ETO COE UMCP
Oak Hill Academy - 2003 10/29/03 Questions? Contact Information: Davina Pruitt-Mentle Director: Educational Technology Policy, Research and Outreach University of Maryland 2127 TAWES College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-8202