Across Five Aprils Vocabulary
BOK pg. 100 Chapters 1-3 Aloof- removed or distant either physically or emotionally Comeuppance- a deserved penalty or punishment Desolate- miserable; forsaken Hedge- avoid giving a direct answer; evade the risk of commitment Secession- formal withdrawal from an organization; withdrawal from the Union by the eleven Southern states that formed the Confederacy Tumult- mental or emotional agitation
Chapters 4-6 Abolitionist- a person in favor of abolishing, or ending slavery Demotion- a reduction to a lower rank or a grade of lesser importance Detain- to delay or hold back Dissipate- to break up and scatter Forte- one’s strong point Indistinct- not sharply outlined Pompous- self-important or arrogant
Chapters 7-9 Compassion- concern for another’s distress; pity Disillusioned- stripped of hopes or optimistic notions Hoard- to keep (something) to oneself Inept- lacking in fitness or aptitude Interminable- having or seeming to have no end Lurk- to lie in wait in a place Provoke- to call forth a feeling or an action Tenacious- determined; unyielding; persistent
Chapters 10-12 Bigot- a person stubbornly devoted to his or her own prejudices and opinions Complicity- participation in a wrongful act Egotism- an exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit Gracious- characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit Irreparable- not able to be fixed, repaired, or undone Siege- a military blockade of a city or fortified place to force its inhabitants to surrender
Chapters 1-3 Aloof- removed or distant either physically or emotionally Comeuppance- a deserved penalty or punishment Desolate- miserable; forsaken Hedge- avoid giving a direct answer; evade the risk of commitment Secession- formal withdrawal from an organization; withdrawal from the Union by the eleven Southern states that formed the Confederacy Tumult- mental or emotional agitation Chapters 4-6 Abolitionist- a person in favor of abolishing, or ending slavery Demotion- a reduction to a lower rank or a grade of lesser importance Detain- to delay or hold back Dissipate- to break up and scatter Forte- one’s strong point Indistinct- not sharply outlined Pompous- self-important or arrogant Chapters 7-9 Compassion- concern for another’s distress; pity Disillusioned- stripped of hopes or optimistic notions Hoard- to keep (something) to oneself Inept- lacking in fitness or aptitude Interminable- having or seeming to have no end Lurk- to lie in wait in a place Provoke- to call forth a feeling or an action Tenacious- determined; unyielding; persistent Chapters 10-12 Bigot- a person stubbornly devoted to his or her own prejudices and opinions Complicity- participation in a wrongful act Egotism- an exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit Gracious- characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit Irreparable- not able to be fixed, repaired, or undone Siege- a military blockade of a city or fortified place to force its inhabitants to surrender