Science, Technology and Innovation In Saudi Arabia SAGIA January 26th, 2015 M. I. Al-Suwaiyel, President King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)
Agenda The National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan: An important initiative Saudi Arabia R&D Indicators: Growth in Science Publications Research Citations and Patents International Collaboration: KACST Joint Centers of Excellence Technology Incubation: Success Indicators Research Products to the Market
Saudi Arabia Experience: The National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, NSTIP: An Important Initiative Establish a robust national infrastructure for science, technology and innovation Completed! Did we deliver? Become a leading country in science, technology and innovation in the region Become a leading country in science technology and innovation in Asia 2025 – 2029 2020 - 2024 2015 - 2019 2007 - 2014 1st Phase 2nd Phase 4th Phase Transform to a knowledge-based economy 3rd Phase Saudi Arabia Qatar Lebanon Israel Middle East Asia Global NSTIP is coordinated by KACST
Saudi Arabia R&D Indicators: Growth in Science Publications Publications in Scopus Data base SCImago. (2007). SJR — SCImago Journal & Country Ran. Retrieved January 19, 2015, from ttp:// From 1,474 Web of Science papers in 2003, KSA achieved 373% growth in output, which is the highest rate of growth during the last decade among the G20 members. KSA papers in 2012, constituted 0.6% world share, up from 0.2% in 2003. Much of this growth has been recent, specifically since 2009.
Saudi Arabia R&D Indicators: Growth in Science Publications China, Brazil, Ireland, Kenya, Saudi Arabia Source: Five countries to watch, Nature asia/ publishing-index-global, 20th June 2013,p. 24 - 28 Source: Nature Index 2014, Global
Saudi Arabia R&D Indicators: Research Citations and Patents Reference: SCImago. (2007). SJR — SCImago, Journal & Country Rank. Retrieved October 29, 2014, from “It is remarkable that KSA also tallied a strong increase in citation impact, from about only half the world average to 6% above world average by 2012. Normalized citation rate for Saudi Research Publications increased to (0.94),very close to the World average (1.0). A significant accomplishment over a short period of time. Saudi Arabia’s normalized citation rate was at 0.54 prior to 2009.” Patent activity in Saudi Arabia has been growing sharply since 2007 Research Performance Indicators Report – December 2014, Thomson Reuters
International Collaboration: KACST Joint Centers of Excellence Program (JCEP) Established in 2012 in 3 Continents, 5 Countries, 14 Centers Joint Centers of Excellence Partners Green Nanotechnology Telecom Applications Space and Aeronautics Nano medicine Bio Nanotechnology Complex Engineering Systems Advanced Materials Petrochemicals Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Lunar and Near-Earth Objects Genomics Nanotechnology Decision Support Materials & Building Systems Objectives Products Human Resources Development: Students accepted in Top Tier Universities for MS and PhD, including: MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford.. Commercialization Increase commercialization of research output Research & IP Increase research quality and intellectual property Skilled Researchers Increase the human capital and the researchers workforce Research: > 200 Papers published > 60 Patents filed Startups Include: 1 2 PanaceaNano 3
Technology Incubation Success Indicators: The BADIR Incubators at KACST 90 Clients by January 20th 2015 345 direct jobs created by end of 2014 Incubated clients generated more than 11 million SR in the 1st half of 2014 8 clients graduated and established their companies The market value of those companies is estimated at 150 million SR One of the companies, S-me, ranks as 4th among 50 emerging companies by the World Bank. Another company, enwani, was acquired by Careem a ground transportation company. DSI has developed a patented highly effective novel wound dressing for diabetic wounds, using chitosan extracted from the shells of prawns – an industrial waste product S-me is a social sms network, chosen by the world bank as 4th best among 50 emerging technical projects in the Middle East. Yatooq is the Arabic coffee machine maker that provides an intuitive way to make Arabic coffee. Jwain is using two patented processes to convert palm trees waste into firewood and coal. Harakat is an online production company that produces, online shows and offers production services enwani is a mobile app that links your address with your cell phone number that can be used with delivery providers
(Saudisat-4) Scientific mission satellite Research Products to the Market KACST Technologies licensed or being licensed to TAQNIA Solar Desalination station in Khafji. Capacity up to 60 cubic m / day The Arabic content has increased from 0.3% (2007) to > 3% (2014) Radar Technology UAV (Saker-4) SANAM: Green 500 Rank: 11th (2nd in Nov 2012) Top 500 Rank: 93rd (52nd in Nov 2012) Robotics: Fire Fighter – Explosive Detection - Rehabilitation UH-CPV Development 12 MW PV Assembly Line (Saudisat-4) Scientific mission satellite UAV (Saker-2)
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