▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank National News is projected to, not all … is rosy, on average, competitive edge, per capita 15. Koreans are expected to live until years old with a per capita income reaching $38,408 in 년에 한국인은 평균적으로 세까지 살며, 일인당 38,408 달러의 소득을 올릴 것으로 기대되고 있다. 16. The report also notes the country's income will escalate to $38,408 by 또 1 인당 소득은 2040 년 38,408 달러로 증가할 것으로 분석됐다. 17. Its birthrate rise to 1.42 in 2040 from 1.15 in 출산율도 2009 년 1.15 명에서 2040 년 1.42 명으로 개선될 것으로 추산됐다. 18. However, the news. 그렇지만 모든 면이 장밋빛은 아니다. 19. These salary and life expectancy projections can be achieved if the country continues to develop a. 이 보고서는 우리나라가 계속적으로 경쟁력을 성장시킨다면 소득 및 평균수명이 전망대로 가능할 것이라고 평가했다. * 총 30 문항, 각 문제당 3.3 점씩 배점 1. per capita2. survey 3. conduct4. hybrid-culture 5. submit6. finance 7. life-expectancy8. note 9. escalate10. double 11. project12. forecast 13. spouse14. innovate
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Koreans' Quality of life in 2040 Koreans are expected to live until years old on average with a per capita income reaching $38,408 in 2040, according to a recent survey entitled "Koreans' Quality of life in 2040." The research was conducted by the Hybrid-Culture Institution at Sungkyunkwan University and submitted to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. The report says the average life-expectancy of Koreans will reach almost 90 years, up about 9 years from 80.1 years in The report also notes the country's per capita income will escalate to $38,408 by 2040, more than doubling $17,175 in Its birthrate is projected to rise to 1.42 in 2040 from 1.15 in However, not all the news is rosy. The report forecasts the country's youth unemployment rate rising from 7 percent in 2010 to 8.62 in The report also shows that 40.7 percent of the population will think that finding a spouse is an essential part of their lives, down from 56.6 percent in These salary and life expectancy projections can be achieved if the country continues to innovate its major industries and develop a competitive edge, says the report National News 20. Which of the following statements is true according the the recent survey? ① Koreans are expected to live almost 90 years longer in 2040 than in ② Koreans are expected to earn $38,408 more per year in 2040 than in ③ The birthrate in Korea is expected to rise by 1.42 in 2040 than in ④ Less Koreans are expected to believe that finding a spouse is necessary in 2040 than in Which of the following results of the survey can be interpreted as bad news? ① The country's youth unemployment rate will rise from 7% to 8.62%. ② Life expectancy is expected to rise substantially. ③ The birthrate in Korea will rise to 1.42 from ④ Koreans will be making more than double their average salary. 22. According to the article, how can the salary and life expectancy projections be achieved? ① Families in Korea need to continue to have more than one child. ② More people need to get jobs immediately after college. ③ The country needs to innovate its major industries and develop a competitive edge. ④ People need to make better life choices like quitting smoking.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). 24. The survey was conducted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. _____ 25. All of the projections for 2040 can be considered positive for the quality of life in Korea. _____ 26. The research for the survey was conducted at Sungkyunkwan University. _____ ▶ Composition ☞ Write the sentences in English following the guideline National News 27. 평균적으로, 남성들은 약지보다 검지가 짧은 편이다. (ring fingers, index fingers, shorter, on average), men have than. 28. 작년에 1 인당 소득이 급격히 증가했다. (per capita, sharply, rose) Last year, income. 29. 세계 인구는 2012 년 초에 70 억에 이를 것으로 예상된다. (7 billion, is projected to, reach) World population early in 그 아이들에게 모든 것이 희망적이지 않음이 현실이다. (children, not all is rosy, for, those, ) The reality is that. 23. What is meant by the statement 'not all the news is rosy' in the 2nd paragraph? ① Not all of the projections are negative. ② Not all of the projections are positive. ③ Everything projected by the survey was good news. ④ Everything projected by the survey was bad news.
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank National News is projected to, not all … is rosy, on average, competitive edge, per capita 15. Koreans are expected to live until years old on average with a per capita income reaching $38,408 in 년에 한국인은 평균적으로 세까지 살며, 일인당 38,408 달러의 소득을 올릴 것으로 기대되고 있다. 16. The report also notes the country's per capita income will escalate to $38,408 by 또 1 인당 소득은 2040 년 38,408 달러로 증가할 것으로 분석됐다. 17. Its birthrate is projected to rise to 1.42 in 2040 from 1.15 in 출산율도 2009 년 1.15 명에서 2040 년 1.42 명으로 개선될 것으로 추산됐다. 18. However, not all the news is rosy. 그렇지만 모든 면이 장밋빛은 아니다. 19. These salary and life expectancy projections can be achieved if the country continues to develop a competitive edge. 이 보고서는 우리나라가 계속적으로 경쟁력을 성장시킨다면 소득 및 평균수명이 전망대로 가능할 것이라고 평가했다. * 총 30 문항, 각 문제당 3.3 점씩 배점 1. per capita [1 인당, 각자에 ]2. survey [ 조사 ] 3. conduct [ 실시하다 ]4. hybrid-culture [ 다문화 ] 5. submit [ 제출하다 ]6. finance [ 재정, 자금 ] 7. life-expectancy [ 기대수명 ]8. note [ 인용하다 ] 9. escalate [ 상승하다 ]10. double [ 두 배로 하다 ] 11. project [ 추정하다, 예측하다 ]12. forecast [ 예측하다 ] 13. spouse [ 배우자 ]14. innovate [ 쇄신하다, 혁신하다 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article National News 20. Which of the following statements is true according the the recent survey? [4] ① Koreans are expected to live almost 90 years longer in 2040 than in ② Koreans are expected to earn $38,408 more per year in 2040 than in ③ The birthrate in Korea is expected to rise by 1.42 in 2040 than in ④ Less Koreans are expected to believe that finding a spouse is necessary in 2040 than in Which of the following results of the survey can be interpreted as bad news? [1] ① The country's youth unemployment rate will rise from 7% to 8.62%. ② Life expectancy is expected to rise substantially. ③ The birthrate in Korea will rise to 1.42 from ④ Koreans will be making more than double their average salary. 22. According to the article, how can the salary and life expectancy projections be achieved? [3] ① Families in Korea need to continue to have more than one child. ② More people need to get jobs immediately after college. ③ The country needs to innovate its major industries and develop a competitive edge. ④ People need to make better life choices like quitting smoking. Koreans' Quality of life in 2040 Koreans are expected to live until years old on average with a per capita income reaching $38,408 in 2040, according to a recent survey entitled "Koreans' Quality of life in 2040." The research was conducted by the Hybrid-Culture Institution at Sungkyunkwan University and submitted to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. The report says the average life-expectancy of Koreans will reach almost 90 years, up about 9 years from 80.1 years in The report also notes the country's per capita income will escalate to $38,408 by 2040, more than doubling $17,175 in Its birthrate is projected to rise to 1.42 in 2040 from 1.15 in However, not all the news is rosy. The report forecasts the country's youth unemployment rate rising from 7 percent in 2010 to 8.62 in The report also shows that 40.7 percent of the population will think that finding a spouse is an essential part of their lives, down from 56.6 percent in These salary and life expectancy projections can be achieved if the country continues to innovate its major industries and develop a competitive edge, says the report.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). 24. The survey was conducted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. [F] 25. All of the projections for 2040 can be considered positive for the quality of life in Korea. [F] 26. The research for the survey was conducted at Sungkyunkwan University. [T] ▶ Composition ☞ Write the sentences in English following the guideline National News 27. 평균적으로, 남성들은 약지보다 검지가 짧은 편이다. (ring fingers, index fingers, shorter, on average) On average, men have shorter index fingers than ring fingers. 28. 작년에 1 인당 소득이 급격히 증가했다. (per capita, sharply, rose) Last year, per capita income rose sharply. 29. 세계 인구는 2012 년 초에 70 억에 이를 것으로 예상된다. (7 billion, is projected to, reach) World population is projected to reach 7 billion early in 그 아이들에게 모든 것이 희망적이지 않음이 현실이다. (children, not all is rosy, for, those, ) The reality is that not all is rosy for those children. 23. What is meant by the statement 'not all the news is rosy' in the 2nd paragraph? [2] ① Not all of the projections are negative. ② Not all of the projections are positive. ③ Everything projected by the survey was good news. ④ Everything projected by the survey was bad news.