Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL SAND NO XXXXP Utton Center Water Resiliency Conference Role of New Sources of Water Mike Hightower Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff Sandia National Laboratories October 9, 2014
Growing Limitations on Fresh Surface and Ground Water Availability Little increase in surface water storage capacity since 1980 Concerns over climate impacts on surface water supplies Many major ground water aquifers seeing reductions in water quality and yield ( Based on USGS WSP and Alley 2007) (Shannon 2007)
Expected Water Shortages by State GAO 2003 GAO 2013
Assessment of Regional Water Stress in North America
Southwest Precipitation Patterns Based on Tree Ring Data Southwest U.S. Precipitation Patterns Based on Tree Ring Data
Climate Change will Impact Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, and Runoff Nat. Geo. April 2009 from IPCC
“Results are not predictions, but rather a starting point for dialogue and increased awareness of potential impacts of climate change.” Roach et al. Projected Rio Grande Flows through 2100
Water Availability for Thermoelectric Power and Other Development in the West Tidwell et al Surface Water Availability Western electric power production and associated water demand growth will be in areas with increasingly limited fresh surface and ground water resources and growing competition for those resources
Developing New Sources of Water to Enhance Water Supply Resiliency Create New Fresh Water Supplies Creative storm water management and storage or ASR Water harvesting from mountain water sheds Creative Water Reuse Require industrial water reuse – produced water, electric power plant cooling water, mining water, ag water returns, frac water, etc. Require domestic waste water reuse Use Brackish Water for New Supplies Require brackish water use as available for non-potable applications Innovative Energy Infrastructure Improvements Utilize New Mexico’s extensive energy resources Embrace Public Private Partnerships – Revolving Funds All efforts will require significant capital, with ROI in yrs
Rio Grande Reservoir Supply through 2100 Traditional Water Storage Approaches Could be Ineffective - Could Require New Water Storage Approaches – different types of dams, different storage locations, different types of storage
Changes in Watersheds will Impact Water Availability and Ecosystems Current trends show that the number, size, and severity of wildland fires has grown significantly over the past four decades from excess fuel Two sources contribute: forest management practices and climate change
Use of Non-traditional Water Resources is Growing Sharply Worldwide Desal growing at 10% per year, waste water reuse at 15% per year Many considering as new cooling source for power plants Non-traditional water use is still energy intensive (From EPA 2004, Water Reuse 2007, Mickley 2003) Sea Water RO Today The Future Conventional Treatment Brackish RO Brackish NF Power Requirements For Treating (Einfeld 2007)
DOE Energy Water Program Plan Technology RDD&D Thermoelectric Cooling Improvements Waste Heat Recovery in Energy Systems Process Water Use Efficiency and Quality Alternatives to Fresh Water Use in Energy Production Using Advanced Materials and Processes Traditional and Non-traditional Hydropower Improvements Desalination Improvements Net-Zero Municipal Wastewater Treatment Sensors Deployment Analysis and Modeling Integrated Analytical Platforms Decision Support Tools Policy Framework Stakeholder Engagement International Diplomacy