U naccompanied minors - a European situational picture
Berndt Koerner Consolidation of the Law Enforcement Capacities in Albania Expert on Integrated Border Management PAMECA IV Bulevardi Bajram Curri Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Policise, Kati I Tel:
„Unaccompanied minors (UAMs)“ The term „unaccompanied minors (UAMs)“refers to non-EU country nationals or stateless persons, who are below the age of eighteen and who arrive in an EU Member State unaccompanied by a responsible adult or are left unaccompanied after having entered in an EU Member State.
Statistics I 2013: asylum applications of UAMs across the 28 EU-MS SWE DE UK 935 AT 805 IT majority Afghanistan, sharp increase in Somalia, Eritrea, Syria Majority boys above 14 (reports on girls rising sharply)
Statistics II 2013: from figures made available by EU-MS percentage of UAMs NOT applying for asylum is much higher IT ES In BE number of non-applicants 3x higher Asylum requests from Albanian UAMs: 2010: : : : 535
Responses of the EU Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council – AP on Unaccompanied Minors 2010 – 2014 (5/2010) Council conclusions on UAMs (June 2010) Report of COM on the implementaiton of the AP (mid 2012) European Parliament (Griesbeck Report; September 2013) calling on strengthened MS efforts Compilation of legislation regarding UAMs in different MS (under preparation) Report to EP and Council about the implementation of the AP (foreseen for 2015) \ (+ Cooperation with EASO, studies by the EMN, funding - also new AMIF)
Outlook I Main challenges/future objectives include: Data collection: improvement of available data on UAMs, broken down by age, sex, countries of origin and migration status, number of residence permits issued and returned minors. Proper reception conditions in Member States (avoiding detention of minors) and catering for integration measures. Harmonisation of practices regarding guardianship and legal representation Strengthened cooperation with origin countries for family tracing, prevention of unsafe departure and trafficking on UAM. Identification of durable solutions and improved practices regarding the transition to adulthood.
Outlook II Main challenges/future objectives furthermore include: Information exchange and analysis (Prioritise use of missing persons alerts in the SIS for cases of absconding or disappearance form care; quality of guardianship to ensure best care of interest of the child) Prevention of unsafe migration and trafficking (intensive cooperation country of origin – transit – destination; targeted awareness- raising aimed at wider public; involvement of diasporas; further development of child- protection systems) Return and Reintegration (voluntary return, pre-notification; partnership-solutions between EU-MS and countries of origin in funding educational and training activities)
Magistratsabteilung 11 Vortragender : Norbert Ceipek The Vienna Center for victims of child-traffic „Drehscheibe “