Decrease (v) to make less
Abnormal – (adj) not usual, strange
Capsize – (v) to turn bottom side up
Flourish (n) to grow and thrive, be prosperous
Evict (v) to force out
Catastrophe (n) a large scale disaster
Incentive (n) a reason for doing something
Disputatious (adj) inclined to argue
Insubordinate (adj) disobedient, rebellious
Legible (adj) easily read
Onslaught (n) a violent attack; sudden rush of something
Prudent (adj) cautious
Outstrip (v) to get ahead of, do better than
Ordain (v) to establish by law; to order or command; to appoint as a priest or minister
Quench (v) to put out, extinguish
Nub (n) the central point or heart of matter; a knob
Remnant (n) a small part remaining behind
Pervade (v) to spread throughout
Swerve (v) to turn aside sharply
Simultaneous (adj) happening at the same time