Amateur Softball Association 2006 Rule Changes
Base on Balls BASE ON BALLS. A base on balls permits the batter to gain first base when four pitches are judged by the umpire to be out of the strike zone. COMMENT: Removes “without the liability to be put out” since there are ways the batter- runner can be out when advancing to first base on a base on balls. For example, when the batter-runner enters the dugout or team area before reaching first base.
Coach COACH. A person who occupies the coach’s box and/or assists in the direction of their team representatives on the field. COMMENT: Better definition of coach.
Coach’s Box COACH’S BOX. The area in which the two base coaches, one per box, are restricted to prior to the release of the pitch. COMMENT: Better definition of coach’s box and makes it a definition only.
Designated Player (DP) DESIGNATED PLAYER (DP). The player who is initially on the line-up card in the team’s batting order but not in the defensive line-up. COMMENT: Adds definition of DP to the rule book.
Extra Player (EP) EXTRA PLAYER (EP). An optional player(s) in slow pitch. COMMENT: Adds definition of EP, a term used but never before defined, to the rule book.
FLEX FLEX. The player who is initially listed in the 10 th spot on the line-up card, may play any defensive position and may enter the game on offense only in the Designated Player(s) (DP) batting position. COMMENT: Adds definition of FLEX, a term used but never before defined, to the Rule Book.
Foul Ball FOUL BALL. Section G. Goes sharply and directly from the bat to any part of the catcher’s body or equipment and is caught by another fielder. COMMENT: Deleted the words “not higher than the batter’s head”. With the change to the definition of “foul tip” a foul ball will be judged regardless of height.
Foul Tip A batted ball that goes sharply and directly to the catcher’s hand(s) or glove/mitt and is legally caught by the catcher. COMMENT: A foul tip should not be judged by the height of the batter, but merely that the ball traveled from the bat sharply and directly back to the catcher’s hand(s) or glove/mitt.
Manager MANAGER. The team representative that must have control of their team at all times, on and off the field. COMMENT: The definition of “Manager” in the rule book now matches the Code.
On Deck Circle ON DECK CIRCLE. The area nearest the dugout in which the next batter of the offensive team is restricted to before the release of the pitch. COMMENT: Defines the area the on deck batter must use.
Participant PARTICIPANT. A participant is a starting player, substitute, manager, coach or other team representative located in the dugout, team area or playing field. COMMENT: Defines Participant, a term frequently used in the rule Rule Book but not previously defined.
Tag TAG. A legal tag is the act of a defensive player in: A) Touching a base with any part of the body while holding the ball securely and firmly in the hand or glove, or B) Touching a runner or batter-runner with the ball while securely held in the hand or glove. COMMENT: Cleans up the current rule and makes it easier to read.
Trapped Ball TRAPPED BALL. Removed from the rule book. COMMENT: A trapped ball is a ball not caught and is covered in the rules of a legal catch.
Fence Distance (Men’s FP) Rule 2, Section 1. Men’s Fast Pitch fence distance maximum to 275’. minimum to 275’ maximum. COMMENT: The distance was a minimum and now with the new equipment this should make it a little more difficult to hit home runs, thus making the game more competitive.
18U Gold Pitching Distance Rule 2, Section 1. JO 18U Gold GFP pitching distance to 43’. COMMENT: Betterment of the ASA game.
Fence Distance Rule 2, Section 1. Add 275’ maximum to the fence distance for modified, add 250’ maximum to the fence distance for the Women’s 16” slow pitch and add 300’ maximum to the fence distance for the Men’s 16” slow pitch. COMMENT: All divisions of play and classification of play now have maximum fence distances.
Batter’s Box (16” SP) Rule 2, Section 3. Exception: 16” SP, the batter’s box, one on each side of home plate, shall measure four feet by eight feet. COMMENT: 16” players asked for this change, and also ask that umpires enforce the rule.
Bat Attachments Rule 3, Section 2E. Only approved attachments included on a list published by the ASA can be used on warm-up bats. COMMENT: There are attachments approved other than those listed in the rule book. Now all attachments or manufacturers do not have to be listed in the rule book.
Glove/Mitt Rule 3, Section 4. Glove/mitt may be worn by any defensive player. COMMENT. This permits all defensive players to wear either a glove or a mitt as long as it meets the dimensional requirements of the rule. With the dimensions of gloves today there is no advantage to wearing a mitt at any defensive position.
Uniform Numbers Rule 3, Section 6D. Removes the line (0 and 00 and 3 and 03 are examples of the same number). COMMENTS: These are in fact different numbers and should be looked at in this manner.
Disqualified or Ejected Participant Rule 4, Section 8A. A disqualified or ejected participant: A. A disqualified player is prohibited from playing but can remain in the dugout/team area or serve as a coach/manager. EFFECT: If found playing the game is forfeited. B. An ejected participant must leave the ground and have no contact with the umpires or participate in the game. EFFECT: Game is forfeited. New title and to have cause for a forfeiture, if required, when someone ejected, other than a player, is found participating in the game.
Home Run Rule (Slow Pitch) Rule 5, Section 8A. 1) Eight (8) Men’s Class “A” 2) Six (6) Industrial and Major Coed 3) Four (4) Class “B” and Church 4) Three (3) Class A coed, Masters 35-0, 40-0, and ) Two (2) Men’s Class “C” 6) None (0) Men’s Class “D” and Coed B COMMENT: With the elimination of the MMSP and those players able to play down, this will keep the game competitive and close the gap in the upper levels of play. It should also help get teams to play at higher level.
Time Limit (10U FP) Rule 5, Section 10, Exception. Removes the NO time limit clause in 10U JO FP. COMMENT: This rule makes 10U JO FP have a time limit in all games, including the “If Necessary” game. The Exception is removed and parts moved to the rule.
Pitching (MP) Rule 6, Section 3J. Changed to read as follows: 1) Nine Men Major, the pivot foot must drag, and not lose contact with the ground. 2) Class A/10 player, the stepping foot…. COMMENT: The change has to do with the creation of a 9 Man Major and A classifications. Each classification will have a separate pitching rule. The 9 Man Major eliminates the restriction on the stepping foot crossing over the pivot foot, and adds that the pivot foot must drag. The 9 Man "A" classification has the same pitching rule that governed the entire 9 Man game last year. The 10 Man rule is exactly the same as it was last year.
Pitcher’s Motion (SP) Rule 6SP, Section 1D. The pitcher must not simulate a legal pitch while not in contact with the pitcher’s plate. COMMENT: To help define that merely making a pitching motion other than a legal pitch motion is allowed while off the pitcher’s plate.
Pick-off Attempt (16”SP) Rule 6 16”SP, Section 3F. The pitcher shall not attempt a pick-off after the second hesitation. (current F becomes G, etc.) EFFECT: The ball is dead and an illegal pitch shall be called. COMMENT: This has been enforced, but has been only an understood rule. It now is in the rule book.
Equipment Standards Committee Rule 7, Section 1. Remove the words “Equipment Standards Committee” and replace with “ASA.” COMMENT: By code the committee recommends, ASA approves or rejects recommendation.
A Strike is Called by the Umpire Rule 7, Section 4L. When a pitched ball, in the umpire’s judgment, is prevented from entering the strike zone by any actions of the batter, other than hitting the ball. EFFECT: The ball is dead and a strike on the batter. COMMENT. This is for instances such as a slap hitter sticking out a leg and getting hit by the pitched ball to prevent the ball from entering the strike zone when the batter knew he or she could not hit it.
Double Base Rule 8, Section 2M3. Whenever a play is being made on a batter-runner, the defense must use the white portion and the batter-runner the colored portion. (removed “by an infielder) EFFECT: Once a runner returns to the white or colored base, no appeal can be made. COMMENT: The double base rule should apply whenever the batter-runner is advancing to first base regardless of where the ball is hit, infield or outfield. This also allows the batter-runner to return to either color portion after they have missed a base. If so, then no appeal can be made.
Double Base Rule 8, Section 2M6. On balls hit to the outfield with no play on the batter-runner advancing to first base, the batter runner may touch the white or colored portion. Should the batter-runner return, the runner may return to either the white or colored portion. COMMENT: This affects the batter-runner on all balls hit to the outfield and there is no play on the batter- runner. The double base applies to any ball hit regardless of where it is hit. The batter-runner may also return to either base, white or colored.
Double Base Rule 8, Section 2M7. When tagging-up on a fly ball, the white or colored portion may be used. COMMENT: To remain consistent and call the white and colored portion the same way.
Double Base Rule 8, Section 2M8. (Fast Pitch, SP with stealing, 16” SP) On an attempted pick-off play, the runner by return to either the white or colored portion. COMMENT: To remain consistent and call the white and the colored portions of the base the same. This also applies to a timing play.
Double Base Rule, Section 2M9. When there is a force play on the batter-runner, who touches only the white portion and collides with the fielder about to catch a thrown ball while on the white. COMMENT: Removed the words “by an infielder”. The double base rule applies to all batted balls regardless of where they are hit.
Comments on Changes to Double Base Rule The rule now is basically written so that the color of the first base a batter-runner must touch when advancing to first base has not changed regardless of where the ball is hit or where the throw comes from. Once the batter-runner reaches first base, the base becomes one base made of a white portion and a colored portion, 15” by 30” versus the original 15” by 15”.
Comments on Changes to Double Base Rule Before the Batter-Runner Reaches 1B
Comments on Changes to Double Base Rule After Batter-Runner Becomes a Runner
Umpire Removal from a Game Rule 10, Section 5. A) Teams may not request a change of umpires during a game. B) No umpire may be replaced during a game unless incapacitated by injury or illness. COMMENT. This removes the ability for a team to request a change of umpires. It also spells out why and when a UIC can replace an umpire.