Pottery Pot * ter *y Pot * ter *y(noun) Definition: Objects made of baked clay. Definition: Objects made of baked clay. Sentence: We made pottery in art class. Sentence: We made pottery in art class.
Wade Wade (verb) Wade (verb) Definition: To walk through water. Definition: To walk through water. Sentence: I like to wade in the shallow water. Sentence: I like to wade in the shallow water.
Shallow Shal * low (adjective) Shal * low (adjective) Definition: Not deep. Definition: Not deep. Sentence: My brother and I played in the shallow water. Sentence: My brother and I played in the shallow water.
Imitate Im * i * tate (verb) Im * i * tate (verb) Definition: To copy or mimic someone or something. Definition: To copy or mimic someone or something. Sentence: My little sister likes to imitate my expressions. Sentence: My little sister likes to imitate my expressions.
Snarl Snarl (verb) Snarl (verb) Definition: To growl sharply and show one’s teeth. Definition: To growl sharply and show one’s teeth. Sentence: The dog snarled at the stranger. Sentence: The dog snarled at the stranger.
Celebration Cel * e * bra * tion (noun) Cel * e * bra * tion (noun) Definition: a joyous ceremony or gathering, usually to mark a major event. Definition: a joyous ceremony or gathering, usually to mark a major event. Sentence: This week we will be hosting our Celebrations Around the World festivities. Sentence: This week we will be hosting our Celebrations Around the World festivities.
Persuade Per * suade (verb) Per * suade (verb) Definition: to succeed in making someone do or believe something by giving the person good reasons. Definition: to succeed in making someone do or believe something by giving the person good reasons. Sentence: I persuaded my family to recycle in order to protect our environment. Sentence: I persuaded my family to recycle in order to protect our environment.
Flicker Flick * er (verb) Flick * er (verb) Definition: an unsteady, wavering light or flame. Definition: an unsteady, wavering light or flame. Sentence: The flame flickered in the wind. Sentence: The flame flickered in the wind.
Dozen Doz * en (noun) Doz * en (noun) Definition: a group of twelve. Definition: a group of twelve. Sentence: I helped my mom make a dozen red tamales. Sentence: I helped my mom make a dozen red tamales.
Decorate Dec * o * rate (verb) Dec * o * rate (verb) Definition: To make beautiful; adorn. Definition: To make beautiful; adorn. Sentence: We decorated the Christmas tree. Sentence: We decorated the Christmas tree.