Introduction to Landfills
The Dump
The Modern Landfill
At the Work Face
Bird Control
Leachate Collection System
Leachate Collection System
Slotted Collection Pipes
Daily Cover
Stormwater Control Direct surface water run-off away from the landfill
Stormwater Management
Leachate Management - Storage
Final Cover
Leachate Treatment
Gas Wells
Gas Flares
Final Landfill Use
Comparison of Hazardous Waste and Municipal Waste Landfills RCRA Regulations Subtitle C Subtitle D Liner Double (top and composite bottom) Composite Leachate collection Primary and leak detection Primary Liquids Prohibited Leachate recirculation permitted Hazardous wastes Treated only (LDR) CESQG only Closure Plan and financial assurance required Post-Closure 30 years, financial assurance required