The significant contribution of Waste Management in reaching the EU Climate targets FEAD ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2008 Freek van Eijk Director Strategy and Public Affairs SITA Northern Europe Waste Services Board Member of the Dutch Waste Management Association (VA)
September 19, 2008 II 2 We are finally aware of the risks of Climate Change Source : WWF – oct 07
September 19, 2008 II 3 Integral Value Chain Management
September 19, 2008 II 4 Waste management: end-of-pipe or a catalyst for re-using resources? Integral value chain Management Waste is end-of-pipe Stop wasting waste by landfilling Increase waste recovery Best practice in Netherlands Only 2 % of MSW is landfilled 80% of all waste is recovered Even larger gains are in production cycle Save energy and raw material; reduce carbon emissions Re-engineer: 100% re-usable and safe products: no waste Waste management as a catalyst: we give waste a second life! Return logistics and recovery activities Positive contribution in reaching the EU Climate targets Collection Energy from waste Sorting Landfilling
September 19, 2008 II 5 Direct emissions Primary process Fuel consumption Incineration emissions Landfill emissions Indirect emissions Process perimeter Electricity used … Avoided emissions Virtual prevented Energy produced Material recycling …. Carbon balance Carbon Accounting in the Waste Management Industry
September 19, 2008 II 6 The positive example of SUEZ Environnement Carbon balance 2007: > 4 M teq CO2 in 2007 Overall Emissions 6,0 M ton Avoided Emissions: 10,6 M ton Note: Energy use treatment is excluding the separately stated MSW and HW incineration Calculations made with EPE tool based on SE data input 2007 verified by E&Y
September 19, 2008 II 7 CO2 impact of Waste Management Selection of recent EU studies (2008) * Zero waste growth/ waste stays at levels of basic year ** = Per year starting from 2004/2005 (depending on study) *** These results are including CO2 savings via energy recovery The renewed total EU target of 14 % CO2 reduction compared to 2005 is equivalent to 780 Mt CO2 equivalents OrganisationFocusScenarios*Additional Potential in M tonnes CO 2eq ** ÖkopolRecycling MSW53 -65% recycling89 – 145*** FFactEnergy from MSW40% in WtE45 SolagroLandfilling of MSW emission control energy recovery rate landfilling 81 European Environment Agency Total MSWlandfilling recycling/WtE 85*** Prognos12 waste streams (1.16 Bt) ; 48% total waste produced in MSW 4 Scenario’s S1-S4 R1 for WtE % recycling MSW % recycling C&D remaining MSW*** / **** Streams Total
September 19, 2008 II Mt + 30 Mt Mt Mt Mt * positive: CO 2 reduction potential, negative: CO 2 emission burden Eu studies on the CO2 impact of Waste Management Results of the Prognos 2008 study Europe has a 14% CO2 reduction target compared to 2005 equalling 780 Mt CO2 eq. Conclusions Prognos 2008 Positive contribution of waste management in 2020: % of the EU CO2 targets
September 19, 2008 II 9 Examples of sustainable practices Reducing the emissions of collection Transportation system Use of water and rail transporting systems Road trains Whisper/Hybrid trucks Soot filters on the trucks Alternative fuels like PPO (McDonalds-SITA) Use of ICT Better route efficiency by using on-board-computers Logistic modeling: optimisation for post collection transport Other system alternatives 24/7 collection to diminish road congestion Pilot: joint logistics by various logistic actors Underground storage concepts for inner cities (Molok) Underground transportation systems Compaction of waste Awareness campaigns Training of our drivers in economical & damage free driving
September 19, 2008 II 10 Examples of sustainable practices Optimising the contribution of biowaste Landfill ban and source separation strong drivers NL: 50% bio-waste from MSW is collected separately One ton of biowaste delivers 400 kg compost Adjustments, optimisation and innovation Digestion as step before composting; compost output remains 400 kg/ton
September 19, 2008 II 11 Examples of sustainable practices Recycling Recycling plays a pivotal role in resource management. Waste is a mine for resources Material reuse major source of avoided emissions (table) Recycling is driven by both economics and legislation EU recycling targets in Waste Framework Directive Producer Responsibility Close the value chain Suez Environnement cooperation with Airbus and Renault Extract more re-usables out of the waste Best practise: the Dutch example Waste Flow % realised 2004 NL Target 2009 NL Glass76%90% Wood33%(25%) Paper and Cardboard 70%75% Metal86%85% Plastics19%38% Waste Flow CO2 benefits recycling kg/CO2 (Prognos 2008) Aluminium Textiles 2800* Rubber 1800* Plastics 1700 (PS ), 1640 (PET) 740 (PVC ) Copper 1200 Steel 1000 Paper 820 Glass 180 Biowaste 8-146** Depending on application
September 19, 2008 II 12 Examples of sustainable practices From incineration towards Energy-from-Waste Europe is moving towards a recycling society Choosing for EfW is not choosing against recycling Valorisation (R1) status for EfW plants Energy –from –waste Yield increased from 21% to 30 % Further footprint improvement: local use of heat “Size matters” Optimisation of bottom ashes quality Business model based upon gate fee and electricity price Waste Furnace & BoilerTurbine Generator Steam 85 % Hot Water Steam Electricity
September 19, 2008 II 13 Examples of sustainable practices Developments in Landfilling Sustainable Landfilling Landfill in equilibrium with the environment after 30 years. Long term risks will be avoided and aftercare efforts and costs minimised Working with nature Equilibrium between the landfill and its environment Organic waste landfill (Bioreactor) Increase in speed of biodegradation through recirculation of leachate enabling aerobic conversion Organic waste landfill Sustainable landfill Inorganic waste landfill Acceptable emission level Time Leachate concentration Process acceleration End of aftercare. Business as usual Further EU legislation and application of Landfill Directive will significant reduce Carbon Emissions Study Solagro 2008
September 19, 2008 II 14 Thank you for your attention! Images on this slide: Cradle to Cradle EPEA International Umweltforschung GmbH THIS PRESENTATION IS A CO-PRODUCTION BETWEEN SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, SITA NEWS & THE DUTCH WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION INFO: