nef (the new economics foundation) Using Social Return on Investment (SROI) to purchase public benefit: the case of waste management Eva Neitzert Aniol Esteban nef (the new economics foundation)
NEF Independent ‘think-and-do’ tank concerned with promoting innovative solutions to promote economic well-being –Environmental sustainability –Social justice –Well-being Long-standing relationship to third sector –e.g. Social Enterprise Partnership, Performance Hub, Social Enterprise Ambassadors Evaluation etc. Measurement matters –Tool development - Social Return on Investment (SROI) and LM3
nef (the new economics foundation) Why SROI? Valuing mission-driven organisations Captures social value by translating outcomes into financial values SROI Ratio = [value of benefits] [value of investments] eg. Ratio of 2:1 means that for every £1 invested in organisation £2 of social value are generated Social includes the environmental and economic = triple bottom line
nef (the new economics foundation) More than a ratio… Participative framework for finding out about how an organisation creates value 4-stage process –Stage 1: Boundary setting, stakeholder engagement and impact mapping –Stage 2: Data collection –Stage 3: Modelling and calculation –Stage 4: Reporting and embedding
nef (the new economics foundation) Doing an SROI Stakehol der InputActivityOutputOutcomeOutcome indicator/proxy Participa nts (32) Skills Time Trained in computer recycling IT skill set No. of recycled computers Increased self- confidence Improved mental health Sustainable employment Improved life stability # gaining employment and average wage earned (£13,500) -ATTRIBUTION -DEADWEIGHT Local governm ent Not applicable No. of computers recycled and diverted from landfill Reduced landfill expenditure Improved local environment, # of tonnes diverted/ cost per tonne (£39) DEADWEIGHT National Health Service Not applicable Prolonged support for participants, improved skills for participants Reduction in care costs Improved mental health of participants Reduction in use of mental health services – unit cost of in-patient mental health care (£20,500)
nef (the new economics foundation) Case-study… Social enterprise that provides bulky waste collection in Lancashire Context: ongoing research on benefits of TSOs in waste management activities Contract with council to collect domestic bulky waste Organisation reuses / recycles materials, trains disadvantaged people and sources goods to poor families.
nef (the new economics foundation) Stage 1… Boundary setting: local (area in which contract is developed) / beyond local Stakeholder engagement: limited // only interviews with organisation and LA’s Impact mapping based on interviews
Impact map StakeholdersNeedsActivitiesOutputsOutcomes Local Authoriti es Divert waste from landfill Reuse and recycling bulky waste Waste diverted from landfill Savings to LAs (*) Reduced environmental impact Contribution to council targets Households in need Low cost furniture 2 nd hand furniture showroo m Furnished homes: cost savings Reduced debt Increased well-being Increased community cohesion Volunteers Training / Personal developmen t meaningful use of time Training and supervisi on Learning new skills Working as a part of a team Improved skills and employabili ty Increased self- esteem and confidence Improved well-being Employment Reintergration with family and community
nef (the new economics foundation) Stage 2: data collected 150 tones diverted from landfill 90 volunteers, 67 obtained qualifications, and 11 got a job after one year 5,436 people assisted in £260k estimated savings compared to the cost of buying second hand good 250k Money spent locally
nef (the new economics foundation) Stage 3: calculation Avoided landfill tax: £ 3,600 Carbon savings£ 1,413 Reduced env. impacts landfill £ 750 Savings to families in need £ 138,705 Improved human capital £ 132,000 Benefits to individuals £ 24,750
nef (the new economics foundation) Stage 3: calculation Benefits to Local Authorities £69,600 Benefits to Local citizens and communities £164,205 Wider benefits (national and global citizens)£67,413 Cost of scheme is covered with grants and with revenue from sales of reused material. The total public investment in the Bulky Waste collection programme amounts to £185,000 (165k contract / 20k grants)
nef (the new economics foundation) Stage 4: Each public £ invested scheme has generated: £0.37 of added value to LA’s £ 0.88 of added value to Local citizens and communities £ 0.36 of added value to national and global citizens Total £1.61 per public £ invested SROI 1.61 : 1
nef (the new economics foundation) Stage 4: Previously council would pay £110,000 to take all bulky waste to landfill (no additional benefits created). Value per additional investment of £56,710: £1.23 to LA’s £ 2.9 to local citizens and communities £ 1.19 to national and global citizens Total: £5.32 per additional public £ invested SROI: 5.32 : 1
nef (the new economics foundation) £ is only part of the story (Non-monetised): Increased environmental awareness. Reduced environmental impact at source, positive impact on local economy from 33 jobs supported by scheme and about £250,000 income spent locally. stronger community cohesion through integration of socially disadvantaged people with more than 600 people taking part in events, increased well-being to families, improved well-being to individuals volunteering, innovation, replication potential
nef (the new economics foundation) Seeing half the picture Social enterprises, third sector orgs
nef (the new economics foundation) Seeing the full picture Social enterprises, third sector orgs Public service contracts
nef (the new economics foundation) The problem Efficiency agenda –Focus on cash-able savings Service specifications focus on: –Activities –Outcomes Unit cost becomes driving force
nef (the new economics foundation) 1. Activity 2. Output 3. Service level outcomes 4. Camden Community outcomes –social –economic –environment 5. Value –Quantitative –Qualitative –Monetizeable Where value accrues: - To Service - Camden wide - central government Sustainable Commissioning outcomes framework Community strategy & Corporate priorities Commissioner & service user priorities National outcome frameworks
nef (the new economics foundation) Day Care Services pilot Procurement phase Innovation Service Specification - outcome focussed - Added social, economic and environmental outcomes accompanying service outcomes - Co-production principles Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Made ‘consortium/partnership friendly’ Inserted Question on wider outcomes Adjusted weighting accordingly Tender SchedulesOutcome framework part of ‘provider method statement’ in Schedule 1 (double weighted) Further schedules outcome focussed - Pricing schedule – need to level the playing field
nef (the new economics foundation) Outcomes of the tender process Consortium of 3 medium-sized locally based 3 rd sector providers Not cheapest Commitments to: –involve the wider community through use of volunteers –Co-production - peer led support and education initiatives and time-banking –Bulk buying of catering supplies from local sources –Recycling, walking and cycling initiatives with service users and staff Key point: This result was achieved not just because better skills of third sector providers, but because they could use them…
nef (the new economics foundation) So …
nef (the new economics foundation) Further information Measuring Value: A guide to Social Return on Investment (2008)