1 SHREWS Ltd Energy from Waste (EfW) The Way Forward for Scotland
2 John Birchmore Managing Director SHREWS Ltd 24 Lyne Park West Linton Peeblesshire EH46 7HP Tel +44 (0) Mob +44 (0) Fax +44 (0) and
3 The Problems We are creating waste and need new solutions for dealing with it We need to increase recycling and recovery We need to find sources of renewable energy
4 National Waste Strategy Reduce Recycle Recover Do this but still left with a residue which has to be disposed of. Debate about impact of EfW on recycling targets should occur when we get to the marginal tonnage.
5 Size of the problem? Scotland produces each year 3 million tonnes household waste 2 million tonnes commercial waste 2 million tonnes industrial waste (excl. demolition) Going to landfill creates problems with leachate and production of methane, a problem greenhouse gas
6 Hazardous wastes A specific issue Scotland has no public facilities for the thermal treatment of hazardous wastes (e.g. clinical and pharmaceutical waste, treated wood) Some small incinerators at specialised locations e.g. Morden Foundation, Penicuik
7 Changes from EU and greater environmental awareness Diversion targets Recycling targets Stricter regulations what can go to landfill emissions standards
8 EfW Potential for Energy Institution of Civil Engineers and Renewable Power Association 2005 “Quantification of the Potential Energy from Residuals in the UK” After meeting all targets for recycling and recovery, the residual waste could supply 17% of total UK electricity requirements”
9 Potential for Scotland? Annually 7 million tonnes of waste Say 40% recycling, reduction and recovery Leaves 4.2m tonnes of MSW and commercial wastes per year, equivalent to about 1.4 million tonnes of oil (roughly equivalent to 50million barrels/yr) 2.2 million tonnes coal 3.4 million tonnes of biomass At 12,000 tonnes/yr for 1 MWe capacity- potential is 350 MWe - provided as base load capacity Generation of heat and power close to use so no need for new distribution network
10 Options for thermal treatment Mass Burn Incineration (MBI) Advanced Thermal Treatment (ATT) SHREWS Ltd only concerned with ATT
11 How Advanced Thermal Treatment works? 1. Converts hydrocarbons to gas and residual carbon to carbon monoxide 2. In second chamber, the thermal reactor, oxidation at 1250°C and minimum 2 second dwell time oxidizes gases to CO 2 and H 2 O Gasification is passive so minimal particulates Oxidising a gas rather than solids so can control oxidation precisely and ensure complete oxidation Easy compliance with WID
12 Advanced Thermal Treatment (Pyrolysis and Gasification) meet demand for small scale projects meet demand for local solutions can process multiple non-specific waste streams technologies are developed to point of being commercial, even at 30,000 tonnes per year production of power and heat for local use
13 Benefits of ATT During processing, wastes are reduced to a virtually inert ash, which weighs only about 15% of the original waste All metals can be recovered - without the need for pre-separation. Other environmental benefits e.g. reduced transport, reduced methane (27% of UK methane from landfill), avoidance of hazardous materials in MSW to landfill
14 Acceptability to Public ATT plants are acceptable Planning consent at Dargavel, Dumfries for plant to process 60,000 tonnes of mixed wastes (including hazardous) per year. Project will generate 5-7MW e (depending on CV of waste
15 Environmental Considerations Emissions to air: cleaner than the air in Princes Street less pollution than burning 3 tonnes garden waste Water: no water discharge Visual: small scale and low visual impact Noise: quiet and all contained within building Odours: odours all contained within building Ash: about 15% original weight depending on waste source inert and sterile can be used for construction
16 Environmental Impact Environmental Impact mg/Nm 3 11% 0 273K & 101.3kPa EU Directive Limits s: spot / d:daily ½ hour Common Standards from ATPs Particulates 10 (d)300.2 VOC’s as carbon 10 (d)20Trace NO (NO + NO 2 ) 200 (d)400<37 HCl 10 (d)602 HF 1 (d)4<0.1 SO 2 50 (d)200< 25 CO 50 (d)150Trace Cd & Tl 0.05 (s)0.006 Mercury 0.05 (s)0.006 Pb Cr Cu Mn Ni As Sb Co V Sn 0.5 (s)0.006 Dioxins TEQ ng/Nm (s)<0.003 N2ON2O 30 (d)Trace NH 3 10 (d)20< 1
17 Avonmouth, Bristol First operational plant in the UK to receive IPPC certificate Tested on RDF, unsorted MSW, sewage sludge Commercial facility currently processing clinical, pharmaceutical & confidential waste
19 Planet Batch Operated System
20 Planet Batch Operated System
21 ATT – Part of overall solution Integrates with other initiatives for waste management including recycling reduction and recovery Commercial solution without costs and delays of PPP etc Helps local industry with waste management issues, reducing costs and protecting jobs
22 Concept Waste arisings Source segregation Residual waste Energy from Waste Residue segregation materials recycling facility optional Heat and Power Recyclate Inert carbon free ash to Landfill Quality plastics Home composting Aggregate Glass Quality paper Metals Ash
23 Considerations in developing ATT plants? Where? Site where can get planning consent (sites being identified for public consultation by private sector and Councils) What? Power connection and, if possible, heat use Access to secure waste stream
24 Financial Considerations Projects fundable if we can:- 1. Secure a site with planning consent 2. Secure a reasonable proportion of the waste stream 3. Secure a Power Purchase agreement (note about 65% of power is ROC eligible)
25 Why not happening? Scottish Executive does not empower Local Authorities to enter into negotiations for the development of EfW projects. SE trying to: Encourage regional solutions in Waste Strategy Areas Insisting on PPP and all embracing solutions Excluding SME’s and making the only option big companies, which usually have landfill interests
26 Dumfries – what happened? SRO 1999 Planning 2001 Agreement for 8ha glass houses 2003 Council PPP for global solution. Winner included MBT as part of overall project to produce RDF. In short term understand that RDF going to landfill as the cheapest option. Without underwriting contract project not fundable SRO replaced by ROS which now offers better deal
27 Key issues Depends on Political will with Scottish Executive empowering Councils to negotiate EfW projects as stand alone operations Finding and securing sites Securing planning consent Landfill tax and diversion targets which increase disposal costs Landfill restrictions (both construction specifications and hazardous wastes) ROS regulations Vested interests – big investments in landfill
28 Myths about ATT Can’t get planning consent and not liked by locals – planning consents in Dumfries, Avonmouth Not reliable – Compact Power Avonmouth plant working well for over three years. Planet working in USA for many years and plant offered with comprehensive performance warranties Not clean – emissions under WID are cleaner than required for burning biomass
29 How to make it happen? Two drivers for development Developers Councils
30 How a Developer can make it happen? 1. Find suitable sites 2. Offer competitive gate fee within the above concept 3. Provide capital funding Private sector ready to move
31 Funding Equity partners and banks now in place subject to planning being secured long term contract for part of waste No need to be involved in PPP etc, (if PPP then above not available as funders project focussed)
32 How a Council can make it happen? 1. Business case to show viability 2. Public consultation and identify site(s) 3. Nominate agreed site for EfW and acquire secure tenure if not Council owned 4. Strategic Environmental Assessment 5. Public consultation 6. Obtain Planning consent 7. Invitation to tender to build EfW plant and take council waste Cost minimal compared to paying fines for not meeting diversion targets and recovered in reduced tenders
33 Benefits to the Council Solution for waste management Revenue not capital spend New jobs can be created by combining the EfW plant with an integrated recycling facility and by attracting new industries such as glass houses which can make use of surplus heat and steam Possibility for district heating schemes and low cost heat for existing industries, thus improving their financial viability.
34 Summary ATT integrated with source segregation can offer cost effective waste management solution Significant contribution to renewable energy targets Public support for the technology Private sector finance available Not happening as lack of political direction from the Scottish Executive
35 Web links