Energy Potential of Serbia’ s Forests Comparative and ‘Linguistic’ Analysis By Gregory Krupnikovs, Rika Biofuels Ltd. Belgrade, September 8, 2010
Serbia and Latvia compared IndicatorsLatvia*Serbia Area, sq. km64,00077,000 Forests, Ha3,000, ,000 Public ownership, %5653 Annual increment, mio cbm169 Fuel wood, Mtoe1,111,15 Population, mio2,37,5 *It is importnat to note that unlike Serbia, Latvia over the past 15 years has experienced a massive influx of Scandinavian companies into forest, wood- processing and pellet-production industries and markets.
A Bit of Linguistics: Energy Calorific value Which energy – heat or electricity? Which heat – domestic, district heating boilers, small CHPs, large CHPs? Efficiency
A Bit of Linguistics: Potential Total volume of felled wood Total volume of logging residues Total volume of processing residues Economically collectable volume of residues Social aspects – household consumption
More on Household Consumption 675,286 households using wood-based energy Overall consumption 5,5 mio cbm of firewood Average price: EUR 30/cbm NB: A discrepancy in figures? Potential wood harvest is 4,6 mio cbm, whereas firewood-only consumption is estimated at 5,5mio cbm.
More of Linguistics: Forests Sustainably and well managed forests (Serbia already has a FSC certificate) Improved assortment of species A million-dollar question: Are energy crop plantations forests? –Salixyes –Poplaryes –Miscanthus ???
A few words about pellets Why pellets? Pellets for export Are pellets good for internal market? Woodchips for local boilers and CHPs.
How to calculate potential? Sustainability of forest management Net financial results Social aspects Export/import balance Improvement possibilities for households
Thank you for your attention!
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