How our landfill became net reducer of CO 2 Kim Olsson CEO
Sound of Science Vikings – The Bluetooth history 300 years since the last war in the region World-leading centre material research Transformation of a landfill into a industrial park of recycling and renewable energy
Content 1.Overall strategy and results of houshold waste Industrial process of producing Vehicle Fuel out of organic waste 3.Biofertilization 4.Method
5 % 49% 46 % Global Sweden 84% 7% 9 % Overall Strategy 80 % 18 % 2 % NSR AB
Results of household waste
Actions of Landfill Detecting and quantification Landfill geology 90%
Actions of improved recycling Compulsory source separation Comfortable for the citizens Information Visible
Actions of understanding
2. Industrial process of producing Vehicle Fuel out of organic waste tons of waste 40 Gwh methan 4,5 million liters of petrol Investment $ 20 million
Overview of Process NSR Biogas Plant
Their organic waste – our raw material Industry Household Supermarkets
City integrated vehicle biogas system 100 buses
Distributer of tons 3. Biofertilzation
Phosphorus in agriculture
10 km pipeline Farmer integrated distribution system
Summary By cooperation we deliver: Less waste from household Almost 100% of recycling No need of fossile vehicle fuel No need of artificial fertilizer Limeted leaking of methan from landfill Recycling of CO 2