Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority Caribbean Waste Managers Meeting April 21 st 2004 Sunset shores Resort St. Vincent & The Grenadines Selby Da Breo – General Manager Patrick Moore – Operations Manager –Field Myrna Julien – Public Relations Officer
Policy & Legislation GSWMA – Output of OECS solid and Ship- Generated Waste Management Project. GSWMA established by Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority Act
Other Supporting Legislation/Agreements Environmental Levy Act # Waste Management Act # St. George’s Declaration of Principles for Environmental sustainability in the OECS
Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste Management Five Private Solid Waste Collection contractors Six Private Street Cleaning Contractors.
Industrial & commercial waste which accounts for 35% of waste stream is transported by private haulers.
Commercialization has brought about: Efficiency Accountability Greater coverage Noticeable Human input Persons directly employed moved from 76 in 1995 to 130 in 2004
Defining of Roles and Responsibilities in Solid Waste Management GSWMA responsible for Solid waste services Ministry of Health and Environment- responsible for regulatory and enforcement functions
PUBLIC EDUCATION The Work of the GSWMA continues to be supported by sustained Public Education Initiatives These programmes have been in Operation for the past five years
The Current PR /Education programme is divided into five categories Public Awareness Anti-litter awareness Waste Diversion Promotion Community Outreach School Education There is also Evaluation
Programmes Undertaken Mass Media Activities –Radio Programmes _Radio Call-in programmes –Television Discussions & Documentaries –Radio & T.V. Promos/Advertisements
Promotional Activities Production & Installation of Billboards Production of quarterly newsletter Development & distribution of posters, bumper stickers, leaflets etc. Distribution of memorabilia items – Pencils, pens, rulers, Vehicle litter pouches, calendars etc.
Campaigns Stages * Composting Awareness Week – Anti Litter awareness week- July-Prior to Carnival
SCHOOL EDUCATION Activities Staged * EFSI” Programme Talks to schools PTA sessions Environmental clubs Awareness walks Clean-up projects Murals *
School Education Ctd. School presentations Composting Training sessions Inter- School Quiz Landfill Tours
Composting Promotion Assistance of Ministry of Agriculture- Communications & Extension Units. 4-H & Agricultural science units- schools
Composting Ctd…. Target Larger Generators of Organic Waste. 1.Marketing & National Importing Board & Her Majesty’s Prison 2.Hospitality Industry- Spice Island Beach Resort & Blue Horizons 3.Institutions. Homes for the aged.
Planning for and the execution of programmes of Solid Waste Management Education/ Public Relations is made possible by annual allocations from the GSWMA Budget
There is also support from the private and public sectors through sponsorships, contributions and the facilitation of free Radio and T.V air times and collaboration with other NGO and community based organisations
Solid Waste Monitoring The Ministry of Health & the Environment Has overall responsibility for Monitoring all Solid Waste Management activities in Grenada
Solid Waste Monitoring In Grenada The Government of Grenada Waste Management Act 16, 2001 Gives the Responsibility of solid waste monitoring to two departments Authorised officers are: * Environmental Health Officers * Police Officers
Waste Generation Per Capita 0.85kg per day. 90% household waste serviced by compactor unit trucks No household waste segregation
COLLECTION Private sector hire private haulers The Environmental levy Act legislates a fee of $30.00 per Tonne collection. Targeted generators are – Commecrial & Construction industries GSWMA has total responsibility for the collection of household waste Industrial and commercial wastes are collected by private contractors. Institutional waste is collected by GSWMA
Collection Ctd….. Vehicles used include: *Compactors *Open Trucks *Skips *Pick-up vans Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority
DISPOSAL The cost for solid waste disposal is estimated at ………
LandFill Operations The GSWMA commissioned two landfills in 2001 Perseverance – Grenada Dumfries - Carriacou
Special & Hazardous Waste The most common special/ Hazardous Waste reaching the landfills are: *Used Oil *Batteries *Tyres
PORT WASTE *International waste (waste coming from aircraft is destroyed by controlled burning) * Ordinary MSW is collected by PSIA – Landfilled *Ship generated waste – collected by private contractors – landfilled GRENADA SOLD WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY
Port waste ctd.. A barge purchased under the OECS project is also available for the transportation of sgw from the outer harbour Ordinary m.s.w. at Marinas is collected by private concerns Used oil collected by Texaco and Shell are shipped back to Trinidad by the importers.
CHALLENGES Economic activities expected to affect the quality & quantity of our waste stream. - Tourism - Trade Liberalization - Technological changes
Challenges ctd…. - Landfill waste disposal fast becoming out dated. - Need for aggressive investigation into alternatives - Need for change in attitude toward waste management - Need for collective regional approach, including information sharing
It is therefore up to the OECS and to a greater extent CARICOM to accept the challenge and be prepared to adopt a uniformed approach and provide a regional policy for the way forward in solid waste management Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority