The Process of Siting and Approving a New Landfill in Ontario BY KYRA BRENNAN
Overview Introduction Legislation Involved of Site Selection Regulatory Requirements for Certificate of Approval: Design Specifications Buffer Area Environmental Assessments Operations Limitations & Concerns Video Questions
Introduction Purpose of landfills existing for health and economic reasons recently began to include environmental awareness Legislative Acts passed in 1990’s to regulate waste management Environmental Protection Act (EPA), Regulation 347, 232/98
Legislation Certificate of Approval Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Distributes Certificate of Approval for alterations, establishment or expansion of landfill. Environmental Protection Act (EPA) Situating and approving landfill sites regulated by EPA and EAA (347, 232/98) Landfill sites and waste management activities are subject to Part V, must comply with mandatory precautions and assessments. Certificate of Approval Defines size of site, type of waste, conditions for design and operation . Process refines landfill standards if necessary.
Regulatory Requirements Design Specifications Vary depending on the size of proposed site, municipal/privately owned Applies only to landfills with non-hazardous waste Buffer Zone Allows for contaminant attenuation Landfill owner must own it, may contain roads, site services, building, etc. Environmental Assessments Hydrogeological, surface water and groundwater assessments Necessary to properly design site, map water flows and leachate
The proposal must explain in detail a design that will account for the landfill from start to finish. Specific elements of the design include: The proposed site boundaries, buffer area, waste fill area and contours, surface water control works, on-site roads and structures, and final cover design The design of any liner and leachate collection system or landfill gas control works needed for the site Monitoring facilities for groundwater, leachate and surface water A contingency plan for leachate control Site closure and post-closure care requirements (MOE, 1998) D E S I G N
B U F F E R Z O N E Buffer Zone: area surrounding the landfill Provides pace for monitoring, maintenance and environmental control Atleast 100 meters wide at all areas (Certificate of Approval process can reduce space to 30 meters) Area for potential effects of landfill to be caught before outside of buffer zone. Potential effects are: Surface runoff Litter Vectors Leachate Subsurface migration of landfill gas Aesthetic effects B U F F E R Z O N E
Site specific designs or generic designs. HYDROGEOLOGICAL Soil/Bedrock samples, measurement of groundwater level and quality, interpretation of groundwater flow and contour plans identifying unstable areas. SURFACE WATER Includes any water within the vicinity and any water which may receive discharge. Assessment if site is suitable based on extensive list of monitoring parameters and water conditions. GROUNDWATER Fundamental element to plan because costly & difficult if gone wrong and often primary source of water supply. Site specific designs or generic designs. A S S E S S M E N T S
Other Criteria Other criteria that must be met in the design proposal: Leachate disposal and contingency plans Surface water control Subsurface migration of landfill gases Emissions Designs for engineered facilities Noise Operation and maintenance procedures Financial assurance
Operations Site Preparation Record Keeping Operations Report Public Liaison Committee Burning/Scavenging Leachate Monitoring Daily/Final Cover Final Slopes Closure Report Annual Post-Closure Report
Implications & Concerns VIDEO
Conclusion Efforts must be made to accommodate the waste, divert more waste from landfills, and begin the process of reducing the overall quantity of waste generated. Thank You
References Canada. Government of Ontario. Environmental Assessment process requirements for certain waste management sites. By Environmental Registry. Ministry of Environment, 2007. Chesed, Mindorff. The Process for Citing and Approving a New Landfill in Ontario. Rep. Brock University, 2006. Environmental Assessment Act. Guide to Environmental Assessment Requirements for Waste Management Projects. By Legislative Authority. Government of Ontario, 2007. Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. 2007/08 Annual Report - Getting to K(No)w. Rep. Speaker of Legislative Assembly, 2008. International LTD, RIS. The Private Sector IC&I Waste Management System in Ontario. Rep. Ontario Waste Management Association, 2005. Lawson, Oates. Status of Disposal Capacity in Ontario and Exports to the US. Rep. Toronto: SWMS, 2006. Ministry of the Environment. Landfill Standards: A Guideline on the Regulatory and Approval Requirements for New or Expanding Landfilling Sites. Government of Ontario, 1998. Unknown Author. "Landfill Sites in Northwestern Ontario: Issues and Opportunities." Review. Workshop Summary 2 Mar. 2005. Unknown Author. "The Environmental Impacts of Ontario’s Small and Aging Landfills – Who Is Keeping Track?" ECO Issues. Feb. 2009. <>. Willms, John. "How Planning Act Strategies Can Compensate for MOE Laissez Faire." Municipal World (1998).