Waste Heat for Power Greater Ozarks Environmental Summit April 25, 2013 Barbara Lucks Sustainability Officer Erick Roberts Superintendent
Department of Environmental Services Air Quality Water Quality Sustainability Clean Water Services Environmental Compliance Solid Waste Management
Curbside Recycling (by private waste haulers) Springfield Yardwaste Recycling Center Household Chemical Collection Center Information & Education Market Development Recycling Centers Springfield Sanitary Landfill Solid Waste Management
Springfield Sanitary Landfill Current landfill opened in 1975 Current area of active fill face waste is 134 acres Average annual tonnage 199,550 tons (Average of 650/day) 5.3 million tons currently in place Average depth of waste 50 ft Anticipated closing Tipping fee $30.94 per ton
Landfill Operations Info Avg. 650 tons/day Mixed waste stream No water addition Cover 1 day/week with soil Landfill has final composite cap once elevation limit is reached
Subtitle D Landfill Construction Dry Tomb Theory
Landfill Gas Landfill primarily produces methane and carbon dioxide through anaerobic decomposition. Methane is twenty-one times more potent GHG than carbon dioxide. Monitoring and reporting is required weekly and monthly. Landfills are required to control migration at all times. Many possible methods of control including gas to energy projects.
Project Beginnings EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) Who should we partner with? Local utility, rural electric coop, gas pipeline, local school? What will it cost and will it pay for itself? Environmental & Landfill Impacts? Feasibility Study, Shaw Emcon/OWT March 2004
LFG Generation
LFG Production Potential Flow Electrical Heat 450scfm (actual) 1.26MW118,260MMBtu/yr 650scfm1.82MW170,820MMBtu/yr 1000scfm2.81MW262,800MMBtu/yr 1200scfm3.37MW315,360MMBtu/yr
Methane Recovery Project Organization Joint Partnership between City of Springfield (COS) and City Utilities (CU) COS Sanitary Landfill responsible for gas collection and supply to CU CU responsible for generation facility and power distribution Equal partnership in success and/or failure
Project Breakdown Gas Extraction Wells Associated Piping Condensate Management Blower/Flare Skid Gas Flow & Quality Generation Facility Engine O&M Condensate Management Power Transmission & Distribution City of SpringfieldCity Utilities of Springfield
Landfill Gas System Characteristics 80 vertical wells & blower/flare skid Total over 30,000 ft. pipe Installed cost approx. $1,900,000 Projected LFG avg. flow of 1200 scfm LFG avg % methane and 40% CO2
Project Status Project was dedicated in May Steadily producing 2.5 to 3 MW of renewable energy for City Utilities customer. Gas quality and production has been relatively close to projections.
What’s the next step? Engines are percent efficient. Most of the energy produced is being lost as heat. How do we capture this valuable resource?
Engines:2X Caterpillar G3520C 1,200 rpm 2,233 hp each Generator:1,600 KW each 480 Volt 13.2 KV Step-up Capacity factor: 95% target 90% achieved O&MContracted to Landfill Energy Systems
The Prototype Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority in Pennsylvania SWANA Gold Award in 2008 for landfill gas utilization. 14,400 ft^2 greenhouse utilizes 1.85 million btu/hour. Producing multiple varieties of lettuce using deep pool hydroponics. ONLY using jacket water from one Caterpillar 3520 engine.
How do we make this work here? City received $40,000 from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Transform Missouri Initiative administered by MDNR. Conduct market research and feasibility study. Includes multiple team members; City, CU, MSU, consultants, interested community members, others. Provided market research, financial analysis, basic facility design, and identified potential partners.
Initial Indications 95% of our produce is imported. Estimate approximately 14 million btu/hour of available waste heat from both sources. Also provides potential for 1000 tons of cooling. Based on prototype and interviews with other operations, enough heat is available to support up to a 2-4 acre greenhouse, depending on whether the heat was captured from both heat sources
Why do we think it will succeed? A minimum of 25% of greenhouse operation cost is energy. City owns the property – no land costs Potential exists to produce locally grown organic produce or other products. Demonstrates positive impact on the environment through renewable energy and eliminating long haul imports. Creates local jobs and eliminates some dependency on outside food sources. Increasing public interest in local, fresh, organically grown products confirmed by study.
Site Details
Possible Project Layout
Cost Estimates PHASE I Initial phase estimate: $2.1 - $2.7 million 35,000 sq. ft. greenhouse with an additional 3500 – 4800 sq. ft. headhouse ADDITIONAL PHASES
Current Project Status Initial Market research and feasibility study are complete. Springfield City Council and other team members are trying to develop a plan for moving forward. Funding sources, design details, crops, and partner/ operator are factors that have to be resolved as we move forward. Public meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2013 to present the project top a group of potential partners, community leaders, and others interested in the project.