Leswin D’cunha CH2M HILL Introduction to Wastewater Engineering Introduction to Engineering/Chabot College November 29, 2012
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Education and Experience Education 2004: Graduated high school, India 2008: Undergraduate degree in Biotechnology Engineering, India 2011: Graduate degree in Environmental Engineering, Illinois Tech, Chicago Career Experience 2010: Student intern at Oceanside WWTP, SFPUC 2011-present: Wastewater Process Engineer, CH2M HILL
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential What brought me here? The Sanitation Crisis Only 31% use improved sanitation (2008) In rural India 21% use improved sanitation facilities (2008) 638 million people defecate in the open; over 50%. The Water Crisis 88% have access to drinking water from improved sources (2008) Only 25% have drinking water on their premise Women, who have to collect the drinking water, are vulnerable to a number of unsafe practices 67% of Indian households do not treat their drinking water INDIA Population: 1.2 billion Source: UNICEF
Global environmental engineering firm Planning Design Construction Operation Program Management We help our clients build a better and more sustainable world in the areas of: Energy Environmental Facilities Resources Transportation Water
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential CH2M HILL Today Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado More than 30,000 employees worldwide US$6.3 billion in revenue 100 percent owned by our employees Broadly diversified across multiple business sectors Performing work in more than 140 countries
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential The Top 20 Design Firms by Sector (ENR)
Wastewater Treatment 101
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Typical Domestic Wastewater Characteristics PollutantConcentration (mg/L) Total Solids (TS)720 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)500 Total Suspended Solids (TSS)210 Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)190 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)430 Total Nitrogen (TN)40 Total Phosphorus (TP)7 Fecal Coliform (#/100 ml)10^4 – 10^6 Based on average flow of 120 gpd/cap Source: Metcalf and Eddy, 4 th Ed.
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Compliance Standards Parameter30-day average7-day average 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), mg/L 3045 Total suspended solids (TSS), mg/L 3045 Percent removal for both BOD5 and TSS 85 pH, s.u.Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0 at all times Fecal Coliform Bacteria, MPN/100 ml NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Permit required to discharge treated wastewater to U.S. waters (Clean Water Act, 1972) Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 133 (40 CFR 133) - Secondary treatment regulation
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Virtual Tour of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Municipal Collection Systems Sanitary sewer system: domestic wastewater only Combined sewer system: domestic and stormwater
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Influent Pump Station Pumps raw wastewater collected to the WWTP
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Preliminary Treatment Screening removes large solids, rags, sticks, floatables, etc. Grit removal Minimizes maintenance/operational problems downstream
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Primary Treatment Removes settleable solids, suspended solids, and oil and grease.
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Secondary Treatment Bioreactor –Conventional: removes biodegradable organic matter (BOD) –Biological nutrient removal: removes BOD and nitrogen & phosphorus Secondary Clarifiers: Solids/liquid separation by gravity
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Tertiary Treatment Title 22 Reclaimed Water: unrestricted non-potable water reuse Filtration and disinfection Membrane Filtration UV Disinfection
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water A Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Digestion Stabilization by destruction of pathogenic organisms Anaerobic digestion: biological conversion of organic matter in a heated reactor to produce methane and carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen.
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Residential/ Commercial Industrial Pump Station Screening Grit Removal Biosolids for Beneficial Reuses Primary Clarification Bioreactor Secondary Clarification Filtration Disinfection Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Dewatering Biogas Landfill Power and Heat Generation Flare Reclaimed Water Resource Recovery at WWTPs Discharge
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Other Career Paths in the Wastewater Industry Engineering –Civil/Environmental, mechanical, electrical, structural, geotechnical Operations and maintenance –Collection systems –Wastewater treatment plants Environmental compliance inspectors Laboratory –Biologists –Chemists
Copyright [insert date set by system] by [CH2M HILL entity] Company Confidential Want to learn more? SF Bay Local Section Activities Membership Meetings Technical Presentations and Tours Networking Specialized Committees Seminars Awards Student Outreach
THANK YOU! Leswin D’cunha