1.07 Determine how materials are recycled in nature.


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Presentation transcript:

1.07 Determine how materials are recycled in nature. Recycling 1.07 Determine how materials are recycled in nature.

Recycling Recycling is when used matter is broken down so new things can be made. Recycling happens in nature and with man-made materials. In nature, wind, water, and sunlight breakdown biodegradable materials. Organisms also break down materials. Materials that naturally breakdown are called biodegradable materials. Plastics do not break down easily. Plastics are not biodegradable.

Recycling In Nature The role of decomposers are to recycles things in nature. They are considered as nature’s recyclers. Perhaps you have seen a dead plant or animal slowly disappear. This happens because nature’s recyclers are at work. They use dead organisms for food. Recyclers play an important part in ecosystems.

When an organism dies, all the pieces of matter that make it up must be recycled. Decomposers recycle this matter constantly. Fungi, bacteria, and insects all play a vital role in the recycling process. They keep the Earth clean. Without these important members of the ecosystem, we would be buried under lots of waste.

Recycling In Your Home We use Earth’s resources to make products. Resources are things like water, trees, and minerals. We use resources to make paper, plastic, glass, and many other things. Conservation means not wasting resources. One simple way to conserve is to turn off the water while you brush your teeth. All conservation can be described using the Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

The Three Rs Reducing is using fewer resources. The less we use the less we throw away. Reducing the amount of power , water, and products you use conserves resources. Remember, paper products come from trees. If we use fewer paper towels or notebook paper we will buy less. Therefore, fewer trees will be cut down and made into products.

Reusing is when we use things more than once Reusing is when we use things more than once. Using things more than once, consumes fewer resources. Buy resusable items at the store. Glass dishes and cloth towels are just two examples. Reusing materials is not only cheaper, it is also eco-friendly.

Human recycling is turning trash into new things Human recycling is turning trash into new things. Glass, paper, metal, plastic and cloth are all recyclable. Glass, metal, and plastic are melted down and made into new products. Paper is also made into new products. In an effort to conserve resources, many materials are recycled. Old tires, electronics, batteries, concrete, carpet, and wooden crates can all be recycled.

Some things are not easily recyclable Some things are not easily recyclable. Old furniture, some types of clothing, and toys cannot be recycled. Reuse these items or give them to a local charity instead of throwing them away. Other things cannot be recycled or reused easily. Styrofoam cups, hazardous chemicals, and some types of plastic bottles are examples. Try to reduce your use of these items.

Landfill Rules Goal: Throw Away Less Trash. Reuse items if you can. Example: Use dishes instead of plastic or paper plates Recycle items if you can. Example: Aluminum cans, most plastics, glass, newspaper Only throw away things that can’t be easily reused or recycled. Example: Styrofoam Tip: Reduce the amount of these items that you buy. Never throw away toxic or poisonous items. These pollute! Examples: motor oil, paint, prescription drugs Tip: There are special collection centers for these. Look them up at http://earth911.org. Type your zip code and find a collection center near you.

Composting Composting is a great way to see nature at work. Composting involves layering organic waste (carbon) with other nutrients (nitrogen). This speeds up the breakdown of matter.

Be patient! Without a commercial composter, composting can take several months to complete. Use yard clippings or dead leaves to get started. Other things you can put in your pile include: kitchen fruit and vegetable material, egg shells, coffee and tea grounds, shredded paper (news and cardboard). Shredding up the material put into your pile speeds up the process. If it is very dry, water your pile occasionally. Keeping a compost pile is easy, and fun!

Review 1. Which activity least conserves resources? A. recycling B. reusing C. wasting D. reducing

2. What type of organisms is one of nature’s recyclers? A. lion B. robin C. human D. bacteria

3. What material below is most likely recyclable? A. cardboard B. asbestos C. mercury D. prescription drugs

4. Which product would be most eco-friendly to buy? A. paper plates B. disposable diapers C. rechargeable batteries D. plastic sandwich bags

5. What would most likely happen if all the decomposers in an ecosystem died? A. The ecosystem would function normally. B. The ecosystem would likely fail. C. The ecosystem would function better. D. The ecosystem would ask for help.