What is NPDES? “National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System” The Clean Water Act prohibits anybody from discharging "pollutants" through a "point source" into a "water of the United States" unless they have an NPDES permit. The permit will contain limits on what you can discharge, monitoring and reporting requirements, and other provisions to ensure that the discharge does not hurt water quality or people's health. In essence, the permit translates general requirements of the Clean Water Act into specific provisions tailored to the operations of each person discharging pollutants.
NPDES Backround 1972 Clean Water Act 1987 Administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Created NPDES permitting process Multiple amendments 1987 An amendment to CWA called Water Quality Act required EPA to develop phased program to regulate storm water discharges under NPDES program.
NPDES Storm Water Program Point Source Pollution Discharges from readily identifiable sources such as wastewater treatment plants or industrial facilities Non-point Source Pollution Discharges that are less easily identifiable such as runoff from urbanized or agricultural areas
NPDES in South Carolina South Carolina is an NPDES delegated state. NPDES regulations are administered by South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). Construction General Permit (CGP) is a component of NPDES.
NPDES Phase II Construction General Permit Issued February of 2005; appealed Appealed settled in late 2005 New Phase II CGP became effective on September 1, 2006 Existing or ongoing permitted projects will be grandfathered under old regulations and not have to meet Phase II CGP requirements
Who must obtain NPDES permit coverage? All land disturbing activities greater than or equal to 1 acre. Any disturbance within ½ mile of a receiving water body in the S.C. Coastal Zone (except individual single family homes not part of a subdivision development.)
Requirements of CGP Develop and implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Identification of operators to be working onsite Sequence of construction Locations of all BMPs necessary to minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges to meet applicable water quality standards. Locations of Surface Waters of the State Must be in compliance with all other applicable permits or CGP is invalid.
Requirements of CGP Must comply with Federal reporting requirements related to spills or releases or oils or other hazardous substances. File Notice of Termination (NOT) when construction is complete Retain all documentation required by permit for three years from time permit is terminated.
What’s Coming Small Municipal Separated Storm Sewer System (MSS4) -Unfunded Mandate from EPA to DHEC to Local Government -Six Elements of Program --Public Education --Public Involvement --Illicit Discharge --Construction Activities --Post Construction Municipal Activities
Public Education WHY How Increases Support for Program Increases Compliance with Program How Newletters Website Information Training Programs Brochures Public Services Announcements
Public Participation & Involvement Why Educate Citizens Forum for Reporting Problems How Public Notice Compliance Program Citizen Panel Involvement Community Clean-ups
Illicit Discharges, Detection & Elimination Why Improve Water Quality How Detection and Elimination Program Outfall Map Preparation Outfall Inspections Used Oil Recycling Program
Construction Site Runoff Why It’s the Law of the Land Site Runoff Carries Sediment and Pollution Increasing Volume of Runoff Increases Flooding How Best Management Practices Requirements
Post-Construction Runoff Control Why Untreated Runoff Contains Oil/Greases, Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Fertilizers and Pet Waste How Maintaining BMPs from Construction Phase Retrofitting BMPs that are not Working Non-Structural BMPs (Education, Pet Waste Pickup, Proper Use of Fertilizer and Pesticides)
Municipal Activities-Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Why County Maintains Roads, Ditches, Parks Landfill ect How Operations and Maintenance Pollution Prevention Plan Employee Training Programs Information Management System Park and Open Space Maintenance Procedures