Cell phones now and in the future By: Jessica Buchanan
The CELL PHONE The First Cell phone (1973) Name: Motorola Dyna-Tac Size: 9 x 5 x 1.75 inches Weight: 2.5 pounds Display: None Number of Circuit Boards: 30 Talk time: 35 minutes Recharge Time: 10 hours Features: Talk, listen, dial
The beginning of cell phone The first type of the mobile phone was used in taxi cabs, ambulances and police cars. The only thing that was different from an actual cell phone was that you couldn’t type in the number you wanted. Originally they were permanently installed in your vehicles. later versions of the cell phone called transportables or "bag phones" came with a cigarette lighter plug so that they could also be carried, and could be used as either mobile or as portable two- way radios. Martin Cooper demonstrates the first portable cellular telephone. ArrayComm
The beginning of the cell phone! During the early 1940s, Motorola developed a backpacked two-way radio, the Walkie-Talkie and later developed a large hand-held two- way radio for the US military. This battery powered "Handie-Talkie" (HT) was about the size of a mans forearm. The first fully automatic mobile phone system, called MTA (Mobile Telephone system A), was developed by Ericsson and commercially released in Sweden in This was the first system that didn't require any kind of manual control, but had the disadvantage of a phone weight of 40 kg (90 lb)!
The beginning of the cell phone! MTB, an upgraded version with transistors, weighing 9 kg (20 lb), was introduced in 1965 and used DTMF signaling. It had 150 customers in the beginning and 600 when it shut down in In the year of 1865 Doctor Mahlon Loomis was the first person to communicate through wireless atmosphere. He came up with the idea of transmitting and receiving messages through atmosphere as a conductor. Loomis was awarded 50,000 for his research. Nokias first mobile phone (1982)
The beginning of the cell phone! In 1973 martin copper came up with Motorola. He took the project and let the people of New York see it. In 1977 the first cell phone was made in Chicago. When it first came out 2000 people was given a free trial. Then other places started to make cell phones. In 1988 the big company's started to make cell phones. There were over 54 places all over the world Motorola cell phone was said to be ahead of its time
The pros of the cell phone! It is a mobile cell phone so you could bring it anywhere It was a step up from the first portable phone that was in your car You could talk to anyone anywhere at any time There are family plans now so you could get good deals so you don’t have to spend money the service is better It weighs less then the first cell phone You can customize it now
The cons of the cell phone! Even though you could get plans for your cell phone there not always the best The cell phones are very expensive now It’s easy to go over your limit because of all the stuff you can do on them A lot of them are very small and narrow so it’s easy to break or lose them They get very addictive and distracting
New ideas for cell phones! Imagine a paper cell phone... Randi Altschul, a toy inventor from New Jersey did. She will soon provide the world with her new invention: the disposable cell phone. Expected to be available in 2009, the phone will be extremely small (about the thickness of three credit cards), and just as lightweight. More good news is the price; the phones are expected to sell for under $20, which will include 60 prepaid minutes of calling time. The "Phone Card Phone" will make outgoing calls only; the consumer will be able to add phone minutes with their credit or debit card until the non- replaceable battery dies.
The future of cell phones! The face of the phone is going to change, according to Bob Iannucci, head of the Nokia Research Center (NRC), in Helsinki, Finland. The NRC is hard at work, along with other branches of Nokia, on software and hardware for future cell phones. While your current model might seem like the digital version of a Swiss Army knife, Iannucci sees lots of room for improvement. Novel displays and myriad coordinated radios could make your cell phone a lot more entertaining and useful. – part of an article about how cell phones are going to change in the future.
The Typical cell phone today's functions Depending on the model you can: Store contact information Make task or to-do lists Keep track of appointments and set reminders Use the built-in calculator for simple math Send or receive Get information (news, entertainment, stock quotes) from the Internet Play games Watch TV Send text messages Integrate other devices such as PDAs, MP3 players and GPS receivers
How do cell phones work Basically, a cell phone is a radio. A sophisticated one, indeed, but a radio nonetheless. When you make a call, your voice is transformed into a radio wave, sent out through the antenna on your cell phone, to a base antenna. Base antennas cover an area of approximately ten miles. As you travel, your radio signal is transferred from one tower to the next. If you've placed a call to a regular (not cell) phone, your call is transferred to a Mobile Telephone Switching Office, where it connects to the regular telephone network.
The morphing of the cell phone
Different Types of Cell Phones PDA The slim flip phone Cell phone with keypad Touch screen Touch screen and keypad One piece
The end! By: Jessica Buchanan
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