Welcome to Homeroom! Ms. Michele Crull Ms. Randi Barfield
In Homeroom, we… Take attendance Take attendance Check out media center books Check out media center books Receive important paperwork Receive important paperwork Listen to the morning announcements Listen to the morning announcements Have opportunities to read and review content topics, and get peer help. Have opportunities to read and review content topics, and get peer help. Turn in absentee notes, bus notes, and other notes from parents. Turn in absentee notes, bus notes, and other notes from parents.
Do you want to make your child smile tomorrow morning? Take a moment and write your child a short note on the “Believe” paper on your desk. There is a PTSA sign up sheet on the gray cabinet by the door, if you’re interested in helping! The PTSA Budget is also listed on the cabinet.
Thanks for coming ! Announcements relevant to Homeroom will appear on Ms. Crull’s blog. Announcements relevant to Homeroom will appear on Ms. Crull’s blog. Please feel free to get in touch with us, if you have any questions. Please feel free to get in touch with us, if you have any questions. This blog will continue to loop until Evening Announcements. This blog will continue to loop until Evening Announcements.