Cancer Prevention & Control Research Network
Mini-Grants “Nutrition Programs That Work” RFA for rural SW Georgia Programs from RTIPs $4K & technical assistance 4 churches: Body & Soul Program 3 work sites: Treatwell 5-A-Day Planning for Year 4 currently underway
Mini-Grants Process Evaluation Aims: Assess to what extent the sites implemented interventions with fidelity Generate lessons learned to inform potential future mini-grant dissemination activities. Constructs: Considering fidelity, adaptation, reach, context, resources, maintenance
PI: Kara Jacobson, MPH, CHES Coordinator: Karen McMorris
Prostate Cancer Resource Guide Assessed 50+ educational materials 37 key informant interviews 17 materials selected: General Information Screening Informed Decision Making Dissemination Plan: –Regional Programs of Excellence, health agencies, community groups –Lunch & Learns, Conferences, etc. –Electronic format on webpage:
Mixed Use Development Case Studies Project Leader: Karen Mumford, PhD GRA: Ben Gerhardstein Partnering w/ Livable Communities Coalition Inventory & rapid assessment of health assets in 13-county metro Atlanta mixed use sites Develop typology to select 3-5 sites Case studies: –Developer: Did health influence design decisions? –Resident: Why move? Have health behaviors changed since moving? ng/Graphics/chapter_01/Figure1.02.jpg Image credit: s jpg
Pool Cool Plus For Lifeguards Uses a peer-driven approach to improving sun-safety among aquatic staff at outdoor pools Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of new skin cancer prevention strategies for lifeguards at swimming pools Objectives: –evaluating and enhancing methods and models for the dissemination and implementation of a program targeting a high-risk population –improving workplace safety and health –incorporating electronic media into health interventions
Evidence Based Programs “Prevention Programs That Work” Cam Escofferey, PhD, MPH EBA Workshops in Atlanta & SW Ga State conference (GFPHE)
Inventory and Assessment of National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) Interventions PI: Cam Escoffery, PhD (Emory) Centers: Emory, Harvard, Morehouse, SLU, UCLA, UNC Coordinating Center, UNC, UT, UW Funder: CDC Assess the extent to which recruitment and intervention activities are evidence-based
Atlantic Station Health Study and SHIFT to NewTown (Studying Health Improvements in Families in Transition) PIs: Karen Mumford, PhD (Emory), Ross Brownson, PhD (SLU); Co-PI: Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH (Emory) Centers: Emory, SLU Funders: CDC, AIG Global Investment Group, and Atlantic Station, LLC Does relocation to a dense, mixed-use residential environment promote physical activity (PA) and pedestrian-oriented travel behavior?
CPCRN Team Faculty: Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH Michelle Kegler, DrPH, MPH Cam Escoffery, PhD, MPH, CHES Karen Mumford, PhD Kara Jacobson, MPH, CHES Staff Michelle Carvalho Margaret Clawson, MPH Sally Honeycutt, MPH Johanna Hinman, MPH, CHES Jenifer Brents Randi Williams Kayshin Chan Ben Gerhardstein