Inventor Webquest Jack Han
About Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Edison is born at February the 11 th in 1847 and he died in 1931 October 18 th. He is from America. He is 178cm tall. When he was 12 his family was poor so he always went to sell snacks and newspapers in the train. He moved all the tool to the train and try to invent something and then one day he cause fire in the train so the boss in the train hit him on the ear so he got hearing impairment. By the time that he got a hearing impairment he stop calling people and he stared inventing every single day. He also got kicked out from the school when he was in first grade so his mom started teaching him every thing that they learn at school.
Tomas Edison’s picture
Thomas Edison Tomas Edison invented more than a thousand thing in his life so he was called inventing king of things but the most important thing that he invented is thing light bulb.
Randi Altschul She was the first women that invented the disposable and disposable means that you can only use it for once and then you throw the thing away. She said that she got an idea when she was calling someone and she got mad by getting disconnected so she almost threw her phone outside the window.
Invented disposable phone Randi Altschul invented the disposable phone and you can only use it for once and it only last for one minute and this happened at 1999.
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