How To Turn Rants Into Raves Turn Your Customers On Before They Turn On YOU! Presented by Randi Busse Workforce Development Group, Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

How To Turn Rants Into Raves Turn Your Customers On Before They Turn On YOU! Presented by Randi Busse Workforce Development Group, Inc.

Who Are You Serving?

Why Are They Calling you? Help Answers Information Advice Reassurance

What’s Important To Them? Competence, knowledge and expertise Responsible, demonstrated ownership Respectful treatment Active listening Friendliness and professionalism Personalized service Make it easy!

According to a study done by Bain and Company, 80% of organizations surveyed felt they were doing a great job in delivering good customer experiences. When their customers were asked, only 8% agreed. A Reality Check

Are YOU Satisfying YOUR Customers? “Bad customer service makes me want to murder.” “Thank you for your terrible customer service and unwillingness to help.” “You need to train your employees better. One just hung up on me.”

Satisfaction is Temporary A “satisfied” customer is a former customer waiting to happen. A “satisfied” customer is a former customer waiting to happen.

A Complaint Is a Four-Letter Word

Customers Are Talking Provide them with a good experience, and that’s the story they’ll tell. Provide them with a bad experience, and that’s the story they’ll tell. Louder. And to more people.

Where Are Customers Talking?

Customer Service Drives the Four Rs ReferralsReputation RetentionRevenue More business from customer Longer relationship with customer More business through customer More influence thanks to customer

Your customers are either ranting or raving about their experiences with your company. Whether they RANT or RAVE depends on who took care of them and how they were treated. Rant or Rave?

I am off to work to provide excellent customer service and pretend to give a crap! LOL Meet Rant

Employees Are Talking… I hate trying to be happy and friendly to customers when I’m grumpy. I wish I could punch all the customers. I hate my job, I hate my boss, I hate my customers.

I have the power to do what’s right for the customer. Meet Rave

Wish They’d Say This! I love making customers happy. So blessed to do what I do. I love my customers. I love doing something sweet for someone who appreciates it. I love my job.

Five Principles To Turn Rants Into Raves 1.Think Like An Owner 2.Build A Relationship 3.Remove The Roadblocks 4.Walk In Your Customer’s Shoes 5.Capture Your Customer’s Heart

Make decisions, solve problems and do what’s right for customers as if you’re the owner of the company. 1. Think Like An Owner

Running a business would be WAY easier without any customers.

Reflect Employees don’t know what you think. They only know what you do. What can you yourself do differently to SHOW them how you would like them to treat customers?

Establish rapport, demonstrate you care and show genuine interest in your customers and their needs. 2. Build A Relationship

I’m the one who’s responsible for them and in the end, I want them to come back.

Reflect Does the relationship you build with your employees reflect the relationship you want them to build with your customers?

Eliminate obstacles that get in the customer’s way of doing business with you. 3. Remove the Roadblocks

I always try and find out what the customer wants. They‘re here for a reason. Sometimes you have to try to decode what they say and do and convert that into what they want…

Employees often feel their hands are tied by corporate policies that focus on bottom-line needs rather than those of the customers they’re supposed to serve.

Reflect Does your company empower employees to make decisions that solve problems for customers? Are there limits? Do you know them?

Think about your customer, what he wants and how he wants to be treated. 4. Walk In Your Customer’s Shoes

I try to put myself in their place and identify how I would like to be treated in that situation.

Reflect What do you do to stay mindful that customers are human beings trying to get their needs met?

Create an emotional connection with your customer that makes him feel special and appreciated. 5. Capture Your Customer’s Heart

What do you want me to do about that?

Reflect Do employees in your company know what it means to go above and beyond? Are they all motivated to do so?

When the customer comes first, the customer will last. -- Robert Half\workdevgroup To purchase the book: Discount code: APW7YNVY Workforce Development Group, Inc.