SAFTEY PROCEDURES ! Santana Clay, Randi Wright, Betsy Williams, Ashley Wilson
Sounds 1.Fire Alarm 2. Police Car 3. Train
What should you do when you hear these signals? 1. The Fire alarm tells everyone that they need to get out of the house or building because there might be a fire. You should always have and escape route planned! Remember always stay close to the ground because smoke rises. 2.If the a police or and ambulance with their sirens or lights on then you have to stop and stand back. They are emergency vehicles so you don’t want to get in their way because they are trying to help other people. 3. When you here are Train whistle or when the lights are lit up near the railroaad tracks then you know to back away from the railway tracks. Trains travel very fast so its hard for them to stop so NEVER cross a railroad when you hear the whistle or see the train.
What is a crossing guard? A crossing guard is someone that directs traffic so that people can cross the street safely.
How to Safely cross the street ? Always look both ways! Never cross the street without a partner or adult watching you. Make sure the crossing guard says its okay to cross! What happens if there is no crossing guard?
Do’s & Do Nots Do we cross the street without looking? Do we look both ways before we cross the street? Do we roll on the ground to cross the street? What does red light mean? What does Yellow light mean? What does Green Light mean?
STANDARDS HEK.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk. b. Demonstrate healthy behaviors that prevent injuries. CITATION
What do you do at an intersection? RED LIGHT YELLOW LIGHT GREEN LIGHT