Randi Brown and Melanie Turner Instructional Technology Specialists Colquitt County Schools
Title vs. General Fund Infinite Campus (our student information system) Grades Attendance
You must have a MacBook to supervise and set up iPads. A cart is convenient for setup, storing, and charging iPads. (We use Bretford.) Create an institutional Apple ID to supervise the iPads. Download Apple Configurator from the App Store.
Using the MacBook, prepare one iPad. Set up the iPad exactly how you want each iPad. Create a backup of the iPad. Connect the MacBook to the cart and prepare all iPads with only a wi-fi profile. Finally, supervise all iPads with the backup profile and numbers.
If your school location wi-fi differs from the one used for setup, enter on each device. Log in one time to iCloud in Settings on each device. We added label stickers to iPads with their numbers.
It was recommended to use to add a “non-delete” profile. Forced a setup “part deux” day – single iPad at a time reset.
Hour 1: Distribute iPads, sign contracts, use Safari for and Infinite Campus Hour 2: Review Standard Apps Hour 3: Settings Hour 4: Set up mail app, discuss Safari features Hour 5: How to connect iPad to a projector Hour 6: Using Cloud services, getting information off of iPad Hour 7: QR codes Hour 8: Searching for educational apps, vetting apps Hour 9: Free app services Hour 10: Share an app day
Power Closing open apps Mute button Rearranging & foldering icons Battery tips Troubleshooting tip: Hard reset
Wi-fi School and home Keyboard clicks Because many teachers are OCD Auto-lock Timeout interrupts projection Passcode Continuous log in on Notifications Pop ups interrupt instruction
There may be problems with getting photos or videos from supervised iPads. 3 suggestions Dropbox Google Drive
Some apps are appropriate for educational use, but some are not. How do you decide which apps to use?
Only educational apps Free and reduced price Friday Good quality apps every day update
Only free apps that normally cost Some educational Access past days’ lists
Tethered Image only iPad should lay flat Best case scenario: Connected to stand-alone projector
Requires HDMI projector Works over wi-fi with *Air Play Untethered Some sound *May require AC setup Best case scenario: Connected to wall plate for projector with HDMI input
$12.99 Works over wi-fi with *Air Play Untethered Reliable sound *Certain models require video card update to prevent seizures Best case scenario: Anywhere Bulk pricing available
iPad replacement Student management New teachers Purchasing apps Create AppleID without credit card