5010 Purpose and Requirements County Testing Implementation & Schedule Constraints
Improve functionality that the Health Care Industry needs Greater standardization of Electronic Data Interchange Accommodates the ICD-10 code set change effective October 1, 2013
All Covered Entities have to be fully compliant on January 01, 2012 transactions Covered Entities must be able to submit compliant HIPAA version 5010 electronic transactions
Transition Short-Doyle Medi-Cal Phase II claims processing system to Short-Doyle 5010 for the following transactions: ASC X12N 837 Health Care Claims (professional and institutional) ASC X12N 835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice ASC X12 276/277 Health Care Claim Status Request and Response ASC X12C 999 Health Care Acknowledgement
Improve Communication and Interaction with Counties and Direct Providers Preserve & Improve Interdepartmental Partnerships & Business Processes Leverage existing resources Actively manage toward compliance
Provide Parallel 4010A1 & 5010 Testing functionality Implement New mandated Companion Guide format & requirements Intellectual Property copyright rules
HIPAA rules and regulations have changes, updates or new and delete items California Budget Challenges Delayed or Non-Compliance Impacts Trading Partners Financial Penalties Significant potential impact to the funding for Medi-Cal program overall Increased General Fund expenditures