Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) – Basic Training Presented by: Sonia Lira, Industry Connections Coordinator Website: Facebook: Sandiego Healthpathways
What Is HIPAA? Signed into law August 21, 1996 Privacy Rule (Federal law) which gives patients rights over health information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive information on their health Examples of patient’s protected information: oName, address, & phone number oEmployer oRelatives oBirth date o address oSocial Security Number oMedical Record Number oAny physical or mental condition (diagnosis) oTreatment oBilling information
What Is HIPAA? (Continued) In addition, the Privacy Rule permits the disclosure of personal health information needed for patient care and other important purposes Examples of reasons to disclose patient information: oPatients’ treatment and care coordination oPay doctors and hospitals for patients’ healthcare and to help run their businesses oWith family, relatives, friends, or others who patients identify as being involved with their healthcare or healthcare bills oMake sure doctors provide good care oProtect the public's health (i.e. report when the flu is in your area) oMake required reports to the police (i.e. report gunshot wounds)
How Does HIPAA Affect Me? It is your responsibility to ALWAYS protect and secure the privacy of all patients! Who/what you see, what you hear, and what you read at healthcare facilities stays there – NO EXCEPTIONS!!! It is possible to discuss cases, but do not give any identifiable factors.
What Happens If I Violate HIPAA? Violation results in civil & criminal penalties (volunteers are NOT excluded) Up to $250,000 in fines Up to 10 years in prison per incident
Human Curiosity Can Get YOU FIRED! Kaiser Permanente Hospital - 15 employees were fired for looking at medical records of Nadya Suleman, the mother of octuplets UCLA Medical Center – several employees were fired and others disciplined (including doctors) for snooping at the confidential medical records of Britney Spears
Human Curiosity Can Get YOU FIRED! (Continued) Shands-Jacksonville Medical Center - 20 hospital employees were fired for accessing the medical records of the Jaguars' Richard Collier New Mexico Hospital - 2 employees were fired for using their cell phone cameras to take photos of patients receiving treatment and then posting them on MySpace
When In Doubt… Do NOT act upon your doubts unless you know for sure you are not violating patients’ privacy Talk to your supervisor or human resources department Do HIPAA research online or at a library
How Much Do You Know? True or False? HIPAA is not a law. It is a suggestion that I should probably follow. Which of the following is protected under HIPAA? A) Name, address, & phone number B) address C) Medical Record Number D) All of the above
How Much Do You Know? (continued) True or False? A child is rushed to the hospital with signs of abuse (i.e. bruises and broken bones). You MUST report this to the police. True or False? You took a picture of a patient with your cell phone because you asked a paramedic and he said it was ok. Therefore, you did not violate HIPAA.
How Much Do You Know? (continued) Which of the following violates HIPAA? A) The patient’s nurse reads the doctor’s notes so that she can administer appropriate medication. B) A doctor shares information about a patient with a janitor. C) The hospital informs the police about a patient who was shot several times. D) None of the above.
Thank you for your time! Questions? Sonia Lira, Industry Connections Coordinator Website: Facebook: Sandiego Healthpathways