HIPAA Basics David H. Chin, MPA, CHC, CHPC, RHIA Director of Privacy Paula Bistak, DMH, RN,MS,CIP, CHRC
Human Subjects Protection Program How do we protect PHI?
Human Subjects Protection Program What is HIPAA? A Federal law called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Which, in part, protects the privacy of individually identifiable patient information, provides for the electronic and physical security of health and patient medical information, and simplifies billing and other electronic transactions through the use of standard transactions and code sets (billing codes). HIPAA Privacy RuleHIPAA Privacy Rule HIPAA Security RuleHIPAA Security Rule Electronic Transactions RuleElectronic Transactions Rule
Human Subjects Protection Program HIPAA Privacy Rule Privacy focus is-”Who can access, use or disclose information?” The Privacy Rule sets the standards for how all protected health information (PHI) should be controlled. Privacy standards define what information must be protected, who is authorized to access, use or disclose information, what processes must be in place to control the access, use, and disclosure of information, and patient rights.
Human Subjects Protection Program Who is a Covered Entity? Health care providers (defined as any person or organization who furnishes, bills, or is paid for health care in the normal course of business) who transmit any health information electronically in connection with certain transactions Health plans Health care clearinghouses
Human Subjects Protection Program What is a Hybrid Entity? A single legal entity: –That is a covered entity –Whose business activities include both covered and non-covered functions, and –That designates its health care components Rutgers is a Hybrid Entity
Human Subjects Protection Program So who’s covered? RU HYBRID ENTITY DESIGNATION (see handout)
Human Subjects Protection Program Training CITI HIPAA module requirement
Human Subjects Protection Program What else do I need to know? FAQs handout
Human Subjects Protection Program